Apr 17, 2009 15:35
Like the song ;)
I got mine on. I have been acting like peoples opinions and actions towards me arent getting to me, ugh! Its hard to maintain sometimes, but I dont plan on letting them know they have tho power to hurt me.
(By this I mean my mother/grandfather/sister/father/other people in my lifes opinions of me)
I was seeing a girl. She is engaged. I let her get to me.
It's over now. I went on a date with a girl named Anastasia last night.
Aparently Brooke is allowed to have her cake and eat it too...but Im not.
She ended it when I got home from my date. Whatever.
It actually hurts. When I was on the date I kept thinking how it would be better
if it were Brooke with me instead of the new girl...
Other news: I graduate May 9th!!! Yayness!!
The last two weeks of school are going to be very stressfull....
I have a big paper due that I hadnt worked on yet.. Soooooooo that sucks.
Im going crazy not getting to read the books I want to read! I want to read so many!!
I have Dewey (a book about an inspirtaional library cat) lined up to read right after
I graduate. Then Sprite. Its about a dog :)
I plan to read the Twilight series soon after.
I think I will end it here.