hair mishap number three thousand and fifty six

May 16, 2010 22:42

I dyed my hair what Clairol calls "golden brown".  My hair decided it would rather not be golden brown.  My roots are the color of a very shiny new penny.  The rest of my hair chose a dull brown slightly lighter than my regular color.  The roots were a black-brown to start and the rest was a lighter shade but still dark brown, so I do not know how this occurred.  I had leftover dye (I know, I know. "Promptly discard any unused product." pfft!) so I have pulled it through the dull brown parts in the hopes that they will lighten somewhat so it doesn't look too freakish that my roots are sparkling copper.  Granted, I did not want red hair.  And of course I selected to do this on Sunday night, when I have to be in public tomorrow.  I could have done it Friday night and then slunk into the local Rite Aid in the morning for a bland dark brown to cover it up again.  But I was too busy being a lazy brunette.  Now it's 10:30pm on Sunday and I'm not going to get to sleep soon.  That would not be a problem had I not been awake until 3am reading.  And I neglected to set the timer or look at the time when I applied the dye so I might have a greater surprise later this evening.  Maybe I'll wear a scarf in my hair tomorrow.  Or over my head.  Or a burka. *sigh* I should just never touch my hair.


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