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Action B hardhat_truckie October 20 2011, 06:29:58 UTC
(Engie's just coming out of the bakery with some bread that Dr Doof had just made, when he accidentally bumps into a boy in front of him.)

Sorry there son, didn't mean ta bump into ya like that. Y'all alright there?


Action B imjustpicky October 21 2011, 03:30:25 UTC
[One leaf goes crunch, another goes crunch, and another...]


[After bumping into the man, he stumbles back quickly, hands up with flat palms.]

Sorry! I'm sorry!

I-I'm fine.

[Was that a real person? Or one of the drones? Picky peered up at the man from behind his bangs, cautious and unsure.]


hardhat_truckie October 21 2011, 08:47:01 UTC
(Engie frowned slightly. The boy didn't seem fine at all. Without hesitating, he took one of the loaves of bread he had just bought and passed it to the kid, a friendly smile on his face)

You don't look too good. Here, have some bread; it's hot and fresh outta the oven.


imjustpicky October 22 2011, 01:37:45 UTC
[Picky takes the loaf of bread, but just stares at it. What's he going to do with a loaf of bread? There was bread at home, right? He frowns, shakes his head, and then offers it back to the man.]

I'm not hungry. There's food at home. This is your bread. It's okay. Here.


hardhat_truckie October 23 2011, 03:16:08 UTC
Son, trust me, you don't know good bread till you've tried Doc Doof's batch. Fella's got a few screws loose, but he sure knows how ta bake. 'Sides, ya look like ya need it. Ya look like a rabbit with a shotgun pointed straight at its face. There somethin' that's botherin ya? I know the town can get right tough ta live in sometimes.


imjustpicky October 24 2011, 03:33:22 UTC
[He's insisting. And he seems pretty nice. Too nice for it to be some sort of trick, despite all the bad stuff he was warned about this morning. And the bread was warm. Nice and warm. And it smelled so good... Alright. He can... try a bit it. Just a bit, in case it's poison or something.

Keeping a wary eye on the man, Picky tears off a piece from the end. He marvels for a moment at the steam escaping the loaf. Cool! And then he pops torn-off piece into his mouth.]


[And he sounds honestly surprised by that.]


hardhat_truckie October 24 2011, 03:59:17 UTC
(Engie just had to laugh a bit at the boy's surprise.)

It is, ain't it? I was just as surprised as you were when I had that first bite m'self. I wouldn't have thought that the Doc was the bakin' type, but then again ya can't judge a book by its cover.


imjustpicky October 24 2011, 05:30:43 UTC
[This guy can't possibly be bad. He's got bread, and he's speaking well of other people... okay, so he's kind of huge, but a lot of people are huge when you're as big as Picky.

He tears off another piece of bread, and gobbles it down.]

Yeah. People can be different than they look.

[He offers a small, small smile.]


A lot of people seem to think that Engie is a drone when they first meet him, for some reason. hardhat_truckie October 24 2011, 05:43:48 UTC
(OK, he gets a smile. That's good; Engie was slightly worried about the jumpy reaction he got. If the kid's smiling, than it could mean that Engie isn't scaring him so much anymore.)

What's your name, son? I'm Engie. I don't think I've seen ya around before. Are ya new here?


Good point. He's not slangy or excessively hostile? imjustpicky October 24 2011, 05:46:34 UTC
I'm Finch. Finch Twoson. [He had come up with that last name after lunch today, and he was pretty darned proud of it. It sounded cool. Like he was a detective or something.

Picky tears off another piece of the bread, but doesn't stuff it in his mouth right away. There's talking to do.]

I just got here today. I wasn't sure if you'd... be nice or not, Engie.


He's supposed to speak with a Texan accent. I'm probably failing with it though. hardhat_truckie October 24 2011, 05:52:24 UTC
Nice ta meet ya Finch, though I wish we could've met at a better place. I just got here around two weeks ago m'self, and I'm already hearin' 'bout summa the stuff that happens in this town. Most of the folk I've met here are mighty kind people, but there's no denyin' that there ARE some shady characters in the neighborhood.


Accents are fiddly business. I think you're doing fine! imjustpicky October 24 2011, 08:18:39 UTC
Yeah... that's what I heard, too. I've got to be careful. My...

[Ack! Saying too much! He crams that piece of bread into his mouth. It's an excuse to be quiet while he carefully considers his words.]

...my house is all drones. I'm the only real one. But some people have real people for parents or brothers or sisters. Right?


Thanks so much. ^^ hardhat_truckie October 24 2011, 08:23:44 UTC
That's tough. I've got a friend who's also the only one in the place he's stayin' at. Fella lives up on the roof, just ta avoid the drones. I haven't met anyone who's got family in this crazy place, but I'm sure that, given how many people they've got trapped here, there's bound ta be one or two.


imjustpicky October 25 2011, 02:37:30 UTC
...on the roof? Oh wow. I bet the mom tries to make him eat oatmeal, too.

[It is said with utter conviction that this is a very terrible thing.

Oh boy. Family talk...]

How many people do they have in this town?


hardhat_truckie October 25 2011, 03:01:48 UTC
(Funny enough, Engie's daughter isn't too fond of oatmeal either, so he gets an idea of what Finch is talking about. But he does smile when he mentions it.)

Well, it's more like the kids keep tryin' ta get him ta do stuff with them. He's not very fond of children though, and the mom creeps him out. There's a whole lotta people in town though. I can't even count'em all.


imjustpicky October 25 2011, 19:46:33 UTC
Ohhh... [Now he understands, he thinks. But he's not sure that he likes the understanding. What kind of fathers don't like their children and hate their wives? Bad ones.

Picky's experience has no patience or excuses for bad fathers.]

It's... a lot bigger here than where I come from. Lots more houses. Way more people.


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