stating the obvious?

Dec 01, 2010 00:52

i feel like our system of government is a wrap.

now that corporations have human's easy money...get your campaign financed...sign off on a whole bunch of laws to relax or end any type of limitations on business or wealth--tax cuts, no emissions standards b/c global climate change is a myth, no restriction on outsourcing, no increase on minimum wage b/c the market should dictate wages, use the national defecit as the reason why we can't afford health care or welfare, or pay government employees.

i don't think we can completely give up on electoral politics, but if there was ever a time to be more serious about other avenues for change, this is it.

i think we are rapidly being propelled towards a choice between universal human rights & neo-serfdom.  
on some other shit...

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after watching this video of Mos, I feel like I really love this man.  Like seriously.

Anyway he talked about a list of shit he doesn't's a list of commonly accepted "truths" that i don't believe or am incredibly skeptical about

1) that video of neil armstrong on the moon...i'm not saying we haven't made it to the moon.  but i AM saying that video is fake as hell...i can't take people seriously who think it's real.  did we even have technology to video record shit on the moon back then?

ok 2) 9/11...something about that shit ain't right.  all the jewish girl's whose daddies worked at the WTC but somehow magically didn't have to work that day...something about the building exploding before the plane hit....i'm not convinced.

3) AIDS...did not come from africans fucking primates...NEXT!

4) that we are the only planet with sentient life...i find this to be a ridiculous notion.  do you know how big "everything" is?  like everything that exists?  it's far too much to fathom.  i highly doubt that we're it.

5) That weed is a "gateway" drug.  Um...there are no gateway drugs.  There are drugs, and then there are people who want to do them.  And they don't have to walk through a doorway made of cannabis to get to them.  i've been really drunk.  and i've been really high.  i've been really drunk AND high.  and never did i feel an inclination to snort coke do angel dust, heroin, crack, shrooms or any of that shit.  as a matter of fact i don't even know people who do that shit, or where to find them.

6) 2000 election...need i say more?

if i wasn't tired i could prolly think of way more.

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