Delusional Procrastination

Jun 16, 2004 10:20

So, I wonder if you all knew what a bad person you read the journal of? So bad that I don't even care if I ended the last sentence with a preposition! You see, I have such an exciting event coming up in my life, and instead of really working towards it I drag my feet in the mindset that if I avoid doing the work, the event will not take place.

I should do the following:

-Write letters of thanks to the two schools who are interested.
-Call the MD certification office to see if I am certified to teach Social Studies in MD.
-Call Human Resources to find out about salary and bonuses
-Call the school I really want to find out the status of getting a job there.
-Make phone calls about renter's insurance

Yes, but instead of doing these things, I'm sitting here writing about them. I think my brain is operating on the mindset that if I avoid these tasks, then I avoid the event that those tasks lead up to making. I'm delusional. *sigh* But I really must do these things. At least a few today. I NEED to call the certification office, the Human resource office, and the school in which I really want to work.

But isn't July 12th coming awfully fast? Quicker than normal? Am I really ready for my life to change on this enormous level. I used to think that I was just exaggerating, but I don't think I am. My life is really going to change, and it's not gonna be small. However, I need to take a deep breath and remind myself that I've handled other big changes with unexpected strength and dignity. I'm a brave person. Really, I am.

Plus, some things will remain the same over in Baltimore. I mean, I'll still have LJ to creep into. My furniture will be there. I'll more than likely have the same haircut. Ummmmm...oh yes, and I'll still be breathing. Pepper's not even coming with me right away. I decided it would be best for me to get settled before having her come over. She doesn't deal well with chaos. The latest she'll be is Labor Day, but I must point out that that's a month and a half! We've never been away from each other for that long...But it's just a little while. And it's better for her this way.

Well, I must be off, I've talked myself into just an email to the Human Resource Department. The less human contact the better, that's what I always say! :)
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