So I found this article called "23 Things to Do Instead of Getting Engaged at 23". Awesome article, with some really wonderful points, but I'm 25, so I'm editing it. I'm also posting the list here as a running tally, because I'm making it the latest addition to my bucket list.
I'm striking anything I've already done, and I'll add the story as I strike more stuff. Here's the list:
1. Get a passport.
2. Find your "thing." If you ask my friends, it's something to do with kids. I've tried writing, but that hasn't worked. I've tried acting, but that hasn't panned out yet, either. Next up is singing, and we'll see how that goes... unless professional listener of music and reader of books count as "things".
3. Make out with a stranger. I'm a kissing slut. Anyone who has seen me drunk knows this. I'll make out with just about anyone after I get enough tequila or gold-flakes in me. LOL
4. Adopt a pet. I've had dogs, rats, hamsters, mice, cats, gerbils, and probably a few others that I'm forgetting. Right now, I have three cats, all rescues from the local shelter... and it is driving me NUTS not having them home with their Mommy!
5. Start a band. So while none of my experiences on their own count as "starting a band", the only instruments I ever learned to play were flute and piccolo, and that was years ago. I did, however, write a really crappy song with this chick I used to hang with back in like, eighth or ninth grade, and even though we were horrible singers with no potential whatsoever for getting famous at the time... I think it's close enough.
6. Make a cake. I weigh almost 300 pounds. Cake has been made and consumed and made again for consumption later.
7. Get a tattoo. I rarely listen to the band anymore, which makes me feel like a horrible person, but they are still number one on my list of favourites, I will still buy all of their CDs and books, I still want to attend their Christmas concert, and I am still totally intent on getting their logos and the words "Only the strong survive" tattooed on my back... whenever I get the money. :D
8. Explore a new religion. I've explored several. Never joined them, but I find other people's religious beliefs and practices to be a fascinating subject that is always worth discussing and learning more about.
9. Start a small business. We're waiting on the funding and to be better on our feet first, but the roommate and I have already laid out the basic plans for the ultimate business. It's actually my dream to own one, and I canNOT wait to get ours up and on its amazing feet.
10. Cut your hair. I'm the only bitch allowed to cut my hair these days. I know what I like, I usually don't fuck it up, and even if I did, I think all salon peoples are glad that I am pissed at myself whenever it gets fucked up and not screaming or threatening to sue whatever hairstylist is responsible.
11. Date two people at once and see how long it takes to blow up in your face. Actually, it didn't blow up. I broke it off with one so I could be exclusive with the other, then got bored and chose to be single instead.
12. Build something with your hands. Birdhouses and model cars are the only ones I can think of that I did completely on my own, but I helped build a set for a play once (I still own a chunk of it with everyone's autograph on the back), and I've helped build a couple houses before.
13. Accomplish a Pinterest project. See the 5yo's Mother's Day project. Cake in a jar? Yanked off Pinterest. Handprint vase with flowers? Pinterest. They were gorgeous, and I think the photos are buried on Facebook somewhere.
14. Join the Peace Corps. Yeah... this will never happen. Can I join a different cause, please?
15. Disappoint your parents. I do this on a regular basis. Dating someone that reminded my mom of my dad was the latest, followed by choosing to rough it out and get an apartment instead of saying good-bye to GBF and the cats and running back home afterwards was the next. Fortunately for me, things have always ended on a decent note, and my mother is usually left shaking her head and saying, "I still wish you had listened to me and done things differently, but I'm proud of you for succeeding." Dad would probably be agreeing with her if he were still around. As for Dave... honestly, I'm not sure I ever stopped disappointing him. Lol bless his heart, but that man is a tough nut to crack.
16. Watch Girls, over and over again.
17. Eat a jar of Nutella in one sitting. I hate Nutella, but I'll try it. In the meantime, does a jar of peanut butter or bottle of ketchup count?
18. Make strangers feel uncomfortable in public places. Word to the wise: Never let Jessica start talking about sex-related things in public. Whether it's your first time to the STDs you can catch to the birthing process... I know some pretty gross shit, I know some mind-blowing shit, and I know that while I think it is a subject that should be discussed more openly and have no problem doing so... it does make strangers uncomfortable in public places. XD
19. Sign up for CrossFit. WTF is CrossFit?
20. Hangout naked in front of a window. See 18. I may be big, but that doesn't mean I think I should have to cover it up every second of the day. If I want to walk around naked in my own apartment with the blinds wide open, then by golly, I'm gonna do it. Ain't no man gonna stop me, neither.
21. Write your feelings down in a blog. Um... what do you think this is? Had it since I was like 16, and that's mostly because I lost the password to my old Xanga account.
22. Be selfish. Some people will tell you I don't do this enough. Others will tell you that I do it too much. Personally, I'm still struggling to find that perfect balance between the two.
23. Come with me to the Philippines for Chinese New Year. Does it have to be the Philippines? What about China? Or some other place that still gets crazy but isn't the Philippines?
Here's the original article:
Original Article