Elaborate on your profile picture.
Umm... I'm assuming this means by default icon on LJ, which changes pretty often. My current one is a quote from The Big Bang Theory, which was one of my dad's favourite shows before he passed. I only ever watched if it happened to be on when I was watching TV, but the quotes are really cool. My other profile pics are just me putting on eyeliner in a hotel room where me and my sister were staying once, and a pic I took in the parking lot at my dad's apartment building a few years ago. I got bored and put eyeliner around my lips, then posed, took the picture, and after editing it a little on my computer, posted it online.
Ever have a near-death experience?
If you don't count the occasional car accident (or potential accident) where my heart raced and I made jokes about how we could have died... no. Lol
Name an obvious quality you have.
Uh, probably my narcissism. I live on compliments and praise, and I tend to nitpick at myself and cut myself down if I don't get it.
What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
It's not really stuck in my head, but I was just listening to this kid Nathan Johnson, and I've got remnants of his songs floating through my brain. Can't even remember the lyrics, just the occasional string of song and the random syllables that went with it.
Name a celebrity you would marry?
Again, something that changes frequently. At the moment, I'm leaning towards David Tennant, but it's starting to pass.
Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
Not that I'm aware of.
Do you wear a watch?
Nope. That's what my cellphone is for. Lol
Do you like pain?
Depends on the kind of pain and how painful it is. Hahaha
Do you like to shop?
Of course! Can I afford to buy everything I'd like to? No. :(
What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
Gasoline and groceries, at Wal-Mart.
What is your favourite lamp that you own?
I only have one, and it's just a basic lamp that my mom stuck in my room. The shade is broken, but since it's right next to my bed, I turn it on so I can see my way back to t
What is on your desktop background?
It's a picture of an island in the middle of the ocean. It came with the computer.
What was the last movie you watched in theatres?
Despicable Me, and it was GREAT.
What was the last book you read?
That's a toughie, because it's been awhile since I actually picked up a book to read it. So if we're not counting my college catalog and course schedules for next semester, I really don't know.
Ocean or pool?
Swimming pool, hands down. I always seem to get stung by jellyfish if I'm in the ocean, and I always seem to inhale the water, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who would rather accidentally swallow the clean, freshwater of their friend's pool than the salty, disgusting water of the ocean.
Did you ever have a party that was busted by the cops?
Nope. I prefer small parties, and we live in the middle of nowhere, so it's highly unlikely that a neighbor will call the cops.
Ever met anyone famous?
Does Kill Hannah count?
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Twirl and slurp. Lol
Baseball or Football?
Football... both versions.
What is your favourite part of the Day/Night?
I love waking up and getting to watch the sunrise, because the land out here is takes on this special kind of beauty that can only be captured in the early morning, but I also like the quiet of the night, because I'm in a big family that will only let you truly concentrate on something when they're asleep.
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Can you tango?
I haven't tried, but it doesn't look all that hard.
Last gift you received?
A check from my mom, lol.
What would you like to spend a lot of time doing?
Writing. Getting paid for sitting on my butt all day.
Can you sing?
I think I can, and I don't get many complaints from the people who are listening. My sister once told me that I was good, but I shouldn't expect to win American Idol any time soon.
What's your least favourite chore?
Chores. :D
Favorite drink?
Right now, it's a toss-up between Pepsi and juice. I go through phases, and this one requires being re-addicted to caffeine. :\
Have you been on a cruise?
Not yet, but I'm not too sure I want to.
Are you a vegetarian?
No, but I don't eat meat all that much.
Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Can you dance?
Like a white chick.
Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Definitely. There's so much I dislike about my body, and I would love the opportunity to attempt fixing it.
What do you wear to bed?
Depends on the night and who's in bed with me. :)
Have you ever done anything illegal?
Your usual driving violations, but if you want to get technical (and the judge, lawyers, and cops did), I was busted for possession, which is a felony and obviously illegal. (I say "technically" because the whole thing is bullshit.)
What kind of shoes are you wearing?
None. :D
What is your hair color?
It's dark blonde, but I have highlights in there, so it's got some bright blonde parts.
Future child's name?
I'm not sure I'm going to have kids, but Matthew has always been near the top of the list (with a slightly different spelling that I haven't quite decided on yet), and if I end up with twin girls, I've always imagined naming them after my sisters (but not their exact names, just something similar that also has an "abnormal" spelling).
City, beach, or country?
I want to live on the edge of a big city, so it's not such a long drive to the cool stores and stuff, but my actual house is in a nice little suburb or quiet neighborhood, so I don't have to put up with all the crap that comes with living inside a big city. Lol
What is your favourite TV show?
Right now, it's Doctor Who. All my UK friends were raving about it, and when I discovered BBC America, it was the first thing I looked up. Of course, America is a month behind the UK on new episodes, but there's a ton of mini-marathons, so it hasn't taken that long for my sister and I to get addicted and DVR everything we haven't seen yet. XD
What is your favourite cuisine?
I'm a big fan of Mexican food, but I occasionally have cravings for Chinese.
What foods do you dislike?
The strange stuff. I know what I like and I dislike anything that even remotely sounds disgusting.
Where would you visit if you had the chance?
Chicago, preferably for the weekend of New Heart, but I'd also like to go out of the country and maybe visit the UK, too.
Cup half-empty or half-full?
It's not that it's half-empty or half-full, just that the cup is too big.
What is your favourite sport to watch?
I'm not a huge sports fan, so I only watch the big stuff, but only every so often.
Bird watcher?
I love hummingbirds, but I don't make a habit out of going outside to sketch or take pictures and keep up with each bird I've seen. I could name a few, but that's about it.
Always wear your seat belt?
Nah. I will occasionally, but I don't really like them.
Been in a car accident?
Yeah. I totalled my car about six weeks ago, which is the worst accident I've been in, even though the actual accident wasn't that bad. Other than that, it's been the occasional fender-bender or close call.
Favorite pizza toppings?
My favourite is cheese, but I have to have something else with it. As for that "something else," it just depends on what I'm craving at that particular moment. Lol
Favorite flower?
Favorite ice cream?
I don't eat ice cream much, but when I do, it's usually either the Half-and-Half ice cream bars or a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie. <<< That doesn't really count, though, since I prefer the fro-yo kind.
Favorite fast food restaurant?
Sonic is the one I eat at the most, but Idk if I would call it my favourite.
How many times did you fail your driver's test?
I had to take it twice, but I didn't fail. I took it the first time in Driver's Ed, but when I got my little card and showed up at the DMV, they wouldn't take it because I didn't get it signed by my principal first, and they wouldn't let me take the card back to get it signed because I might forge the signature. Yeah, total groan. So I had to take the test again, and when I did, I barely squeaked by. We were in an empty parking lot, but I didn't look behind me when I pulled away from the curb; we came up on railroad tracks in the middle of a highway, but I didn't stop and look both ways before crossing (because it's a highway and everyone else on the road was going 55mph and not stopping); and last but not least, she asked me to park on a hill, and even though I remember which way to turn my wheels (up, up, and away), and I put on my emergency brake, I completely forgot to actually put the car in park. So I ended up with a 70/100, which was the lowest score you could without failing.
It could've been worse, though... one of my sisters failed hers six times before finally passing on the seventh try.
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Probably Hot Topic, an electronics store, or some other clothing store. x)
What was your favourite vacation?
Chicago. It's the furthest I've ever travelled from home, it was summer so the weather was perfect, and it was a school trip, so we got to see Lion King on stage, watch Blue Man Group, go to an art museum, check out a Chicago pizzeria, and visit the infamous pier.
Unfortunately, I had no clue Kill Hannah existed back then, or else I would have gladly skipped out to try and stalk or sneak into a concert. (It was the summer between my junior and senior years of high school, and I didn't find out about KH until after I graduated.)
What are you listening to right now?
Hinder. Surprisingly, I'm not fanatic about them, but I've managed to see them live more than anyone else, and I've used their music for song!fics more than any other group. (Go figure, lol.)
What is your favourite colour?
Don't have one. I like several, and I'll occasionally go a while wearing the same color or theme, but I don't have a favourite.
Coffee drinker?
Nope. I love frappucinos and stuff like that, but I can't afford the good stuff and I refuse to drink it any other way. :)