
May 20, 2006 11:03

Im sitting by the table watchign VH1. its pretty funny. its the show Best Week Ever. Uhmmmm. Im quite tired right about now. my brother came in my room and woke me upp early. I had a waffle for breakfast. yum. a homemade one. I tried to start my ceramic project. but its kinda hard to start. its boring. blah I practiced my splits today. I really need to get them, so im gonna practice everyday. Uhm. Emily and Daina might sleep over tonight, Cuz my parents are going to see the Davinci code and go to dinner tonight. I hate two certain people. I dont think ive ever HATED people. i dislike certain people but not HATE. but these two people are mean, whores. uhmm, Oh and these other girls were being mean to daina yesterday. It seems like every show is having its like season or series finally. Will and Grace is ending. And then That 70's Show ended too! haha. uhhh marissa died in the OC.....well im done here. i gotta go make lunch, cuz i have to go to dance soon.
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