Last Week: Part 1

Nov 24, 2008 14:38

This last week was so crazy. I've got so much to update that I think I'll do it in at least 2 posts so I hopefully don't loose anyone's interest too fast. What? No one actually reads this? Sh...don't tell me.

So last week Monday I decided I'd finally had enough of my messy computer room. It was getting really, really bad. Actually, it had been for quite some time but I'd just finally had enough. I spent the WHOLE day cleaning things out. I threw a lot away, DI'd a few things and took care of the rest. It looks awesome! :^) My brain works MUCH better in an organized room so it's super nice to have it done.

Tuesday was Gospel Study. That was really nice. I actually remembered this time so I made my homemade mac and cheese. I did a double batch, thinking that I'd have tons of leftovers to bring home for Ashley. Even though our numbers were fewer than normal, I only had a very little leftover. I guess it was a hit. :^)

What was really nice though, was the lesson. It was the second chapter of Jesus the Christ. I'm loving this opportunity! I read it and some of it goes over my head, which I expected. Then I get to go and we discuss the things talked about and it was just awesome. I'm really going to enjoy this book.

Also that day Mom and Dad took Karissa and I to get flu shots. Brandon went too when he got home from work. Poor Karissa though. It's been a long time since she's had to get any shots. The last one was actually a flu shot and there were no tears, no complaining, nothing. Such was not the case this time. She watched Mom and Dad and then it was our turn. I had to hold both arms with mine, and put her legs in between mine. She still squirmed and screamed. Of course, once the actual shot was over then she was done. The anticipation was far worse than the shot itself.

That night I finished up what was left of the computer room. I just had a few things to file and get taken care of. I also got the other "more professional" lab figured out. It's actually pretty cool. I got Danny and Chloe's Christmas cards ordered and I didn't even know it. Wednesday morning I got an e-mail saying that my order that would be shipped that day was going to be delivered COD if I didn't call and get a credit card on file with them. hehe I got it all taken care of though. They pay for the shipping (of course they make up for it because their prices are way more than the other lab I use) and they ship next-day FedEx. Pretty nifty.

Wednesday I spent getting the studio Halloween pictures of the kids processed. Ashley wanted to order some so she got them picked out and I got them all ready to order. I also got a few other little things ordered.

Thursday Karissa spent the whole day with a fever. Fun little consequence from the flu shot. I also spent the day getting my photo shoot from the Saturday before all processed and up on the website for them to look at.

organization, emp, sick, gospel study, shots

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