Today...Normal Catch-up

Sep 23, 2008 14:32

I doubt I'll get to catching up on my tags, but that will hopefully happen tomorrow. I must get better at this again.

First of all...another cute thing Karissa said. We've gone on for awhile with an "I don't like your hair." She tells me this whenever I don't have it pulled back. Hence a big reason for a constant pony tail. She doesn't like it up next to her at all. She tells me this and I usually tell her, "Well, I don't like your hair." Followed by, "Yes I do. I think it's very pretty." Well, one day not long ago she says, "I don't like your hair." So, of course I come back with my usual, "I don't like YOUR hair." Before I can say anything else she says, "Yes you do. You think it's pretty!" :^)

I'm cooking a whole lot more with Ashley here. Mostly it's because she starts something and I feel bad making her do it all so I go in to help. We've done all kinds of things I don't normally do. I'm usually doing quite well to get not only the main dish on the table but perhaps a veggie. She makes rolls, salads, desserts, all kinds of fun and very yummy stuff.

I can't remember if I mentioned the HUGE box of peaches our neighbor friends gave us a couple of weeks ago. We made fresh peach pie (and of course, she made the crust too), peach cobbler, ate lots of peaches just fresh and made two batches of peach freezer jam. Yum! It was much easier than I thought and we got 12 cups out of it! I'm inclined to do such a thing again next year. :^)

Mom and Dad's house had some people come look at it last Saturday. I don't think they've had any bites on it yet, but the realtor is very confident that he can sell it and sell it pretty quickly. I hate going up there and seeing that stupid "For Sale" sign. It's just going to be so weird not having them there. Ah well. It's just a house.

Speaking of such things we're still way up in the air with work. There are so many variables it's just not even funny. We COULD get work here soon. Though that isn't likely. If not then we start looking. Do we keep the search to here in Utah? Brandon sure is wanting that. To me it's not worth him working two jobs just so we can stay here if there is work someplace else. Virgina (where there is a possible job) sure sounds fun to me. In a way, that is. I'd really rather stay here though. But if we're going to move out of state I for sure don't want to stay out west. There isn't any place but here (in the west) that I'd like to live. I'd actually really like Pittsburgh. Katie is there and Hoffman's aren't far. No work, I'm sure though. *sigh* I hate being in limbo. Never fun. I suppose growth isn't usually though, is it? Worth it, but not fun.

Saturday Karissa and I went to a play at the Regional Center put on by their stake. It was really neat and I really enjoyed it. Even Littlefields were there! It was so fun to see them in it and talk to them after. Another special treat was seeing my friend, Emily B who was in Bye Bye Birdie with me. I just wish I'd been able to spend more time visiting with her.

Sunday was my b-day. It was a quiet and relaxing day. I got lots of "Happy Birthday!" wishes at church (and a ton on Facebook too), which was nice. The kids in Primary sang to me and I didn't even lead my own b-day song. hehe After choir we came home and Ashley was just finishing up some cinnamon rolls for me. How sweet! During nap time Brandon, Mark and Nick played a Settlers and Ashley and I played the card game version. Way fun. After that it was up to Mom and Dad's for dinner. Very yummy. We celebrated Kyle's b-day too and that was very nice. Mom and Dad got us both some money to get what we wanted. I still haven't quite decided what to get with mine yet. I've got a few things I'm going between. Brandon and Karissa got me a book and well as Mark and Ashley getting me one too. I thought that was so sweet of them. They didn't have to do that.

The only bad part was the Draney's couldn't come up for dessert. Terry had already made plans for that evening. For some reason, this really, really bothered me. I don't think it SHOULD have bothered me, which is why I didn't say anything...but it still did. Patrice is like the sister I didn't get to grow up with and so it really hurt that they weren't there. I don't think it would have been as bad if there haven't been quite a few times when we've had something planned with them and they've ditched because something else came up. In my opinion (at least in most cases...there are exceptions) when you've doubled booked or had something else come up that you go with the first thing planned. It's polite. I know she shouldn't have to, but it sure would have been nice if they'd just told their other friends (I was under the impression this was just an informal get together with their friends), "Oh, you know what? It's my friend's birthday and she's just like a sister to me so we should really go have dessert with them." Pretty selfish of me to want that, huh? That's why I don't think I should have been so hurt over the whole thing. Just plain selfishness.

This morning was a much needed Gospel Study class. I miss visiting with the sisters in my RS. We started studying Jesus the Christ and I'm really excited. We did the first chapter today, which was also the intro. As usual, we had a very yummy lunch after and even better company. I'm so glad they do this!

dd, plays, gospel study, work, birthday, kyle, funny

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