Opening Night

Jun 23, 2008 14:31

Yea! With my talk all done now, I have a minute to write about opening night.

First of all, before we started, Kate presented the gifts from us (as a cast) to our production team. That was really neat. For Candice and Dancer Steph she gave them each an Elvis record. We signed them all. Then for Director Steph she told her that we'd put a box up by the tickets to collect money for cancer research on behalf of her mom. For every $10 people donate, the cast matches it. She made just about everyone cry. It was a really neat moment and one I felt blessed to be a part of. In fact, I feel blessed to be a part of the whole thing. What an incredible experience it's been!

Another neat thing before we actually began was our cast prayer. It seems to be something that Wadsworth's do. Anyone that wants to participate is invited. How neat is that??

Our glitches from the night before were greatly reduced. The lights and mikes seemed to be working much better. At least from what I could tell being backstage. I wasn't at all nervous again, which was nice. My biggest problem was that for some strange reason, my voice decided to start cracking. Quite embarrassing, actually. David and maybe Sarah and Josh were probably the only ones that noticed, but still. :^) I don't mind that happening at singing lessons. That's somewhat expected as Art is working with each of us, but I'd much prefer it not do that in a performance. *sigh*

The audience seemed to be somewhat dead, but I guess that's hard to tell from backstage. I only heard a few little chuckles out of them here and there. There weren't a ton of people there though so maybe that's part of it too.

Speaking of the audience, Shannon and Kristi (from my relief society group) came down to watch. That was really neat to have them there and I'm so glad they came! Thanks!

The performance itself was awesome. There was so much energy and I was so excited! I wasn't the only one too because I could see it on everyone's faces. We got our cast shirts too and that was neat. :^)

After we were done and cleaned up most of us met over a Village Inn. That was really neat too. It's fun to visit while we're rehearsing or performing, but totally different when it's just for fun. I got to sit by Wadsworth's, Hamilton's, Megan, Debbie and even my "daughter" Sarah came over and sat with us for awhile. I totally love these people!!!!! We had quite an interesting range of topics on everything from engagement stories to everything I ever wanted to know about stage kisses. hehe It was such an incredible evening!

To top it all off I got home and Brandon was reading in bed with Karissa having fallen asleep by him (as she likes to do when I'm not home.) She woke up a little as I came in and even though she was half asleep she said, "We need to say another family prayer!" :^) I told her she was very sweet but I didn't think she'd probably be able to stay awake for another one and sure enough, she was already out again. Still, how precious!

dd, prayers, birdie

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