Jul 08, 2004 10:00
A-Age: 18
B-Band listening to right now: Modest Mouse
C-Career of the future: Boxer
D-Dad’s Name: William James
E-Easiest person to talk to: Caitlin
F-Favorite song of the moment: "Staying Alive"// Cursive
G-Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms?: Sour gummys no matter what kind
H-Hometown: The Springs
I-Instruments: Clarinet, thats right bitches
J-Job title: Water tester Engineer/ Stain Expert Coordinator
K-Kids: I travel across the country making babies
L-Last person you talked to on phone: Kim
M-Mom’s name: Wanda (changed it to Sue)
N-Number of siblings: One, its great i can never screw up worse than him
O-Oldest sibling: Patrick (call him Will or he will attack you)
P-Phobia(s): I have a fear of regret and waking up one realizing i haven't lived my life
Q-Favorite quote: "What's the point of living if you don't have a dick?." - DD
R-Reason to smile: b/c she makes me laugh
S-Something you do for fun: Anything with my friends, be bored with friends is better than being bored alone
T-Time you wake up: 12 or bust
U-Unknown fact about me: I will always understand
V-Veggies you hate: Peas
W-Worst habit: Overanalyzing everything, but im getting better at that and wearing my heart on my sleeve
X-X-Rays you’ve had: Teeth, ankle, and ribs
Y-Yummy food: Taco Bell, subway, quizznos, chillis desert, oreos, cheezits, watermellon, sandwichs, ice cream bars, mom's cookin, and doughnuts
Z-Zodiac sign: Pieces