3 more Senators and we can IMPEACH

Jul 23, 2007 09:18

My Senator got a SCATHING letter from me.
Especially about the Detroit DHS offices and their complacency to trivialize freedoms people died for. I told him to resign, and that if Cheney gets away with what he does as far as not accountable, Congress has no need for a job. Yeah, the ones they are NOT doing.

NEEDED: 3 More Congress Members to Impeach!!!!

Call, Call, Call !!

Please contact your Congressmen/women to push for impeachment. BE RELENTLESS!!

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers has said that if three more Congress Members sign Kucinich's impeachment bill, he will start the impeachment proceedings. (The story was broken tonight by After Downing Street).

Remember, criminal proceedings against Bush, Cheney and others for 9/11 cannot start until they are out of office. Impeachment is the first step.

EVERYONE should call their congressional representatives (especially if yours' are not one of the signatories to Kucinich's impeachment bill) and DEMAND they co-sign. Click here to find your congress person.



In short I just wrote this to you on infor wars, BUT, after I did, I see there is a March in Detroit with Sheehan tomorrow. Impeach now before we can be arrested for saying so.
CALL TO ACTION. We need 3 more senators.

I just found out they have over a block of DHS buildings in Detroit.
FBI as well and surrouding the Fed Res.

Cindy will be in Washington tomorrow. The demo here is at Conyers Detroit office she wlil be in Conyers office in Wash. DC. This action is in Solidarity with hers!

The 8 mile raids were on cars, trucks, vehicles, not homes. 3 days, 300 people, 3 counties, all the police depts involved, militarized police drills. by three counties working in unision.
Then you add the new department the Pentagon is forming for National Security.
The Military state isnt being built, its here.

I dont know what we can do...i really dont
I wrote FTF, and Samuel was most shocked.

Next false flag might be here.
The "Gut feeling" they got was made about an attack while in Detroit, and why were they here?
biggest arabic population outside of Middle east.
canadian border

easy excuse for a false flag terrorist act in Michigan?
As well as Conyers and Impeachment.

but point is, they are already in buildings and raiding homes.

I THINK the only thing to do, is IMPEACH.
then work from there

otherwise, ITS IN PLACE
The Impeachment Moment

By David Swanson

Created 2007-07-22 13:43

We've reached the impeachment moment for Vice President Dick Cheney. We are now at what Rev. Lennox Yearwood calls the lunch counter moment in the impeachment movement. We've pushed the cosponsor list for H. Res. 333 up to 14 [1]. Chairman John Conyers says that if we get 3 more he'll begin [2] the impeachment proceedings. And many Congress Members must be recognizing that there is no other path available. Cheney and Bush have repeatedly refused to comply with subpoenas [3], ordered former staffers not to comply with subpoenas, and announced that the Justice Department will not enforce contempt citations from Congress. When a special prosecutor attempted to hold this administration accountable, Cheney's chief of staff obstructed justice, and Cheney persuaded Bush to commute his sentence. There is no course left for Congress but impeachment.

On Monday, July 23rd, the fifth anniversary of the meeting that produced the Downing Street Minutes [4], Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Ann Wright, Debra Sweet, Dave Lindorff, David Swanson, Jodie Evans, Medea Benjamin, Kevin Zeese, and Tina Richards will lead a march [5] to Chairman Conyers office and not leave until he agrees to begin impeachment proceedings. If you cannot be there, you can take two minutes on Monday and do two things: phone Chairman Conyers at 202-225-5126 and ask him to start the impeachment of Dick Cheney; and phone your own Congress Member at 202-224-3121 and ask them to immediately call Conyers' office to express their support for impeachment. Your Congress Member might be one of the three needed, not just to keep impeachment activists out of jail but to keep this nation from devolving into dictatorship.

Email your Congress Member [6].

Source URL:
[1] http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/cheney
[2] http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/24962
[3] http://www.democrats.com/subpoenas
[4] http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/840
[5] http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/sit
[6] http://www.democrats.com/peoplesemailnetwork/73
It's illegal to speak out in essence by executive order against Iraq as of July 17th
In the EU it is illegal to speak out against the EU,
We need to start by making them accountable to even begin.
However, I am now a Terrorists for blogging this per the DHS on MSNBC and asking you to turn family members in (How ...erm Fascist.)
and it is Illegal for me to attend this Sister March to Conyers Detroit Offices.

Bush Executive Order: Criminalizing the Antiwar Movement

by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, July 20, 2007


The Executive Order entitled "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq" provides the President with the authority to confiscate the assets of whoever opposes the US led war.

A presidential Executive Order issued on July 17th, repeals with the stroke of a pen the right to dissent and to oppose the Pentagon's military agenda in Iraq.

The Executive Order entitled "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq" provides the President with the authority to confiscate the assets of "certain persons" who oppose the US led war in Iraq:

"I have issued an Executive Order blocking property of persons determined to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing, an act or acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of threatening the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of Iraq or undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq or to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people."

In substance, under this executive order, opposing the war becomes an illegal act.

The Executive Order criminalizes the antiwar movement. It is intended to "blocking property" of US citizens and organizations actively involved in the peace movement. It allows the Department of Defense to interfere in financial affairs and instruct the Treasury to "block the property" and/or confiscate/ freeze the assets of "Certain Persons" involved in antiwar activities. It targets those "Certain Persons" in America, including civil society organizatioins, who oppose the Bush Administration's "peace and stability" program in Iraq, characterized, in plain English, by an illegal occupation and the continued killing of innocent civilians.

The Executive Order also targets those "Certain Persons" who are "undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction", or who, again in plain English, are opposed to the confiscation and privatization of Iraq's oil resources, on behalf of the Anglo-American oil giants.

The order is also intended for anybody who opposes Bush's program of "political reform in Iraq", in other words, who questions the legitimacy of an Iraqi "government" installed by the occupation forces.

Moreover, those persons or nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), who provide bona fide humanitarian aid to Iraqi civilians, and who are not approved by the US Military or its lackeys in the US sponsored Iraqi puppet government are also liable to have their financial assets confiscated.

The executive order violates the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the US Constitution. It repeals one of the fundamental tenets of US democracy, which is the right to free expression and dissent. The order has not been the object of discussion in the US Congress. Sofar, it has not been addressed by the US antiwar movement, in terms of a formal statement.

Apart from a bland Associated Press wire report, which presents the executive order as "an authority to use financial sanctions", there has been no media coverage or commentary of a presidential decision which strikes at the heart of the US Constitution..

Broader implications

The criminalization of the State is when the sitting President and Vice President use and abuse their authority through executive orders, presidential directives or otherwise to define "who are the criminals" when in fact they they are the criminals.

This latest executive order criminalizes the peace movement. It must be viewed in relation to various pieces of "anti-terrorist" legislation, the gamut of presidential and national security directives, etc., which are ultimately geared towards repealing constitutional government and installing martial law in the event of a "national emergency".

The war criminals in high office are intent upon repressing all forms of dissent which question the legitimacy of the war in Iraq.

The executive order combined with the existing anti-terrorist legislation is eventually intended to be used against the anti-war and civil rights movements. It can be used to seize the assets of antiwar groups in America as well as block the property and activities of non-governmental humanitarian organizations providing relief in Iraq, seizing the assets of alternative media involved in a reporting the truth regarding the US-led war, etc.

In May 2007, Bush issued a major presidential National Security Directive (National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive NSPD 51/HSPD 20), which would suspend constitutional government and instate broad dictatorial powers under martial law in the case of a "Catastrophic Emergency" (e.g. Second 9/11 terrorist attack).

On July 11, 2007 the CIA published its "National Intelligence Estimate" which pointed to an imminent Al Qaeda attack on America, a second 9/11 which, according to the terms of NSPD 51, would immediately be followed by the suspension of constitutional government and the instatement of martial law under the authority of the president and the vice-president. (For further details, see Michel Chossudovsky, Bush Directive for a "Catastrophic Emergency" in America: Building a Justification for Waging War on Iran? June 2007)

NSPD 51 grants unprecedented powers to the Presidency and the Department of Homeland Security, overriding the foundations of Constitutional government. It allows the sitting president to declare a “national emergency” without Congressional approval. The implementation of NSPD 51 would lead to the de facto closing down of the Legislature and the militarization of justice and law enforcement.

"The President shall lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional government...."

Were NSPD 51 to be invoked, Vice President Dick Cheney, who constitutes the real power behind the Executive, would essentially assume de facto dictatorial powers, circumventing both the US Congress and the Judiciary, while continuing to use President George W. Bush as a proxy figurehead.

NSPD 51, while bypassing the Constitution, nonetheless, envisages very precise procedures which guarantee the powers of Vice President Dick Cheney in relation to "Continuity of Goverment" functions under Martial Law:

"This directive shall be implemented in a manner that is consistent with, and facilitates effective implementation of, provisions of the Constitution concerning succession to the Presidency or the exercise of its powers, and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 (3 U.S.C. 19), with consultation of the Vice President and, as appropriate, others involved. Heads of executive departments and agencies shall ensure that appropriate support is available to the Vice President and others involved as necessary to be prepared at all times to implement those provisions." (NSPD 51, op cit.)

DHS says if STATES don't adhere to The National ID....well they THREATENED the States.
Tommy Thompson btw, is on the RFID board. Crazy, I wrote about his spine chilling speech on "Community Service" a few weeks ago.
AFTF and We Are Change confronted him on the ID, Google the Video.

DHS warns states not to reject Real ID

Agency implementing law despite legislative efforts to circumvent it


Despite several state and federal efforts to force noncompliance with the new federal identification law, or Real ID Act, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has continued work on the law's guidelines and warned states that they face consequences for failing to comply.

The Real ID Act, passed by Congress in 2005, mandates national standards for all state driver's licenses and other official documents. The DHS hasn't released a final version of the law, but the agency has said that it will require the documents to include a digital photograph and a bar code that can be scanned by electronic readers.

The initial compliance deadline is next year, with full compliance required by 2013.

The Real ID Act led to an outcry from privacy advocates and to the passage of laws in some states, including New Hampshire, that prohibit compliance with the law.

Despite the criticism, the DHS continues to insist that the law be implemented on schedule. "I think residents of states that choose not to comply are going to be displeased with their leadership's decision when we get closer to full implementation," a DHS spokesman said. "They'll no longer be able do certain things that carriers of state-issued drivers licenses take for granted today."

I wonder if hes ever heard of "Revelation 13:17"

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

He noted that residents of states whose identification cards don't comply with the law will be prohibited from entry to airports and federal buildings. It could also block access to "certain critical infrastructure sites" such as a power plants or dams, he said.

Critics won a small victory against the law last month when Montana's two Democratic senators, Max Baucus and Jon Tester, successfully called on colleagues to cut language from a now-stalled immigration bill that would have required all employers to check the eligibility of any potential employee by using Real ID documents.

"My boss and Sen. Tester don't support the Real ID program, as do a majority of Montana citizens," said a Baucus spokesman. "It amounts to a national ID system, and there are privacy concerns."

Tim Sparapani, legislative council at the Washington office of the American Civil Liberties Union, said that the deleted language would have led to a "massive expansion" of Real ID-compliant documents. In effect, it would have made a driver's license an employment document, he said.

Sparapani predicted the final regulations will come from DHS around Labor Day, and individual states not now opposing Real ID will have to decide if they want to reject it or implement it.

The DHS spokesman declined to offer a specific date for when the final regulations would be issued.
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