John: Jones just told me that he heard Bill Maher said somehting about 9/11 being an inside job!
Amy: thought Bill said that before
John: Nope
John: Said he didn't believe it
John: thought Bush was just stupid
John: Now he saying something else
John: About time
John: Maher
Amy: BTW tell Alex he is an ass
Amy: I friended him a day an a half ago
John: He knows
John: and what
Amy: he hasnt accepted
Amy: I am going to write a Alex Jones Diatribe. Make fun of his Scanner Darkly pic.
John: Paul sometimes checks his Myspace page so maybe Paul's lazy ass
John: you'll be accepted I guarantee it
OK well John and I discussed the Global warming thing and he gave me more info.
God how does this man have so much in his head. For a highschool grad from a scary school district..IE Little Rock, and an Associates with a few more years of school in Nursing..
It is pitched Via Democrats, but it's for the Elite money makers...IE why are the OIL companies the ones helping push it. Still used as a distraction in a sense. I"ll just C and P some info on that.
It's actually a ploy, in a sense at $$ and world domination once again. (By making the UN buy our RESERVES???) This seems just so out of proportion to think anyone can control things so much. Colonies?
So we should spend out lives bitching about Hitler wanting such or the Joke about Communism wanting to take over the world.
Anyways...a man who spent 5 years studying global warming was on TV a few years ago.
He wrote a book.
He said, there is no such thing as Global Warming.
He spent years investigating it, and as far as I Know backed by noone really.
So, I'll have mister know it all find his name haha.
Thing is, now that it's all one big hoax in our country and Democracy is dead, it still is the Elite and $$ that did it.
so here Not well edited cause I am tired, I just had John take out our names:
Amy: how are they that powerful
John: yeah
Amy: Bush has created a new branch over riding congress
Amy: and someone wanting to help global warming..iven if a way to waste someone getting constant attention and anger
Amy: all over
Amy: HOW do they do that
John: yeah and people stay asleep not caring
Amy: i am like...why waste your time, its a distraction
Amy: fuck i wonder if its even employed by the right? do u think? i dont know how theyd dothat tho
John: no one notices
Amy: I said...wait...5 year plan to wage war in 7 countries...WHATS THE REAL ISSUE
Amy: u are being sidetracked
John: they control the flw of info through the news and media so thats how
John: yeah
John: its not just right wing though
John: the dems aren't putting up much resistance
John: cause they think when we get in there we'll have these same powers
Amy: what do u mean
Amy: lost me totally
John: im saying you said how do these right wingers do such things
John: and i said because its not just the right wingers
John: theres no alternative party that tries to stop what they do
Amy: Oh it was your typoe that lost me. ok so they always make the democrats look bad tho
Amy: while taking attention off the 'regimes'
Amy: i guess that makes even more sense u know
Amy: to do that when its really one party
John: yeah part of the distraction
John: yeah
John: but do the dems ever really fight back
John: no
John: serious about making money off of it
John: hes a politician first and foremost
Amy: how can he make money off of it
John: funny thing is that the more u get into the global warming thing and conservation
John: u find that they want to give control of american land and state parks to the United Nations tto prserve things
John: therefore giving away pieces of America to a foreign enity
Amy: and if he wants to..its not just him...its the repubs in on it too right?
Amy: why would they want to do that
Amy: when they want to own the world lol
John: because through regulations on the environment and fuel comes control
John: that’s the first part can't own the world while America still exists
John: it has to die
John: and if u noticed its consider to be the worst offender by people in the global warming circle
Amy: now we sound like the theme they used to use for communism
Amy: 'they want to own the world'
John: one of Jones first docs was on this subject
John: right
John: communism and fascism is what they are using
John: a mix of the two
Amy: so how does...and this is way over my head...the european being its own force $$ fit in
John: you mean the European union?
Amy: i dunno thats kinda crap...if we own them all it would never work...thats really too big of thinking. You believe the US wants to lose their own identity
Amy: thats about as dumb as giving yourself to a marriage and knowing if it falls apart you are fucked
John: the people who now control the U.S yeah
John: No because they plan on being in charge of it all
Amy: so yeah the european union....some say that plays into some world domination
Amy: in a distant way tho..there is no way u can control
John: they think beyond borders
Amy: lets say
Amy: colonies
Amy: look....they all want their own
Amy: tribes
Amy: ethnic groups
John: why the also want to drop the world population as well
Amy: how
John: easier to control
Amy: shit they give the ethnic groups money
John: they call it population reduction
Amy: i think they should
John: yeah figure they are easier to control
Amy: and get rid of the inner city dirty greasy bleeing us dry fuckers
Amy: bahah
Amy: srsly
John: then u fit right into their plans
John: and thats how they pull this shit off
Amy: oh please..look at the mexicans as u said..they want this country
John: congrats
Amy: they fucking hate whites
John: yeah but use to being not as free as us so they wouldn't resist tyranny
John: like whites would
Amy: hmm
Amy: hey i gotta take off for a bit
Amy: mom called
Amy: garbage things ....
John: ok
Amy: ok
Amy: bbl
Last message received at 11:42 PM on 03/28/07
Amy: well fuck
Amy: that article you just sent
John: what article
Amy: u sent me on global warming
John: how so
Amy: they were saying its not a right wing attempt to make dems look bad, they want to dominate the world
Amy: so its not a distraction
John: yeah it still is a distraction in one sense
Amy: how so, its to bleed us and cause more world domination isnt it
John: as in the way its betrayed on the left as real and we need to do something and on the right as no its not that bad and keep driving your suv's
John: yeah its a ploy for domination but its not played as that by either side is what i mean
Amy: not played>?
John: meaning they talk about the subject in opposing ways yet never talk about the real agenda of it
John: thus its a distraction
Amy: Ohhh ok
Amy: seems they can spin everything that way
John: yeah
Amy: again
Amy: Patriotism
Amy: and
Amy: Fear
John: that’s how they confuse people yeah
John: yeah
John: ok back check ur mail is that what you wanted
Amy: yes yes thanks
Amy: You're good to me
John: Maher
John: He stills My jokes u know
John: steals them too
Amy: who
Amy: and how did Jones hear this from Bill
John: Maher lol
Amy: how does Maher hear your jokes
John: Heard him say it somewhere wasn't to clear
John: I was kidding about the jokes
John: Heard he's dating Winona Ryder maybe thats how
Amy: thats a joke too
Amy: lol
John: the dating part no i really heard that
Amy: oh god
Amy: she is fucked, never liked her and she is a nut per the stuff she sends you
John: Yeah Winona dumped me when she found out i had a thing for tall red heads
John: yeah I bet he has
Amy: BTW tell Alex he is an ass
Amy: I friended him a day an a half ago
John: He knows
John: and what
Amy: he hasnt accepted
Amy: i am going to write a Alex Jones Diatribe
John: Paul sometimes checks his Myspace page so maybe Paul's lazy ass
John: you'll be accepted I guarantee it
Amy: well of course..who turns down someone when they are trying to spread the word
John: yeah
John: so write something on Jones huh
Amy: yeah
Amy: i see now he has his scanner darkly pic up ..he didnt prior did he
John: yeah for a while now
John: becareful about some of those geeks on his page they see u and they'll fall over themslves
Amy: ha?
john: yeah
Amy: my page is private they cant see me
Amy: how do u know they will
John: Cause they went after me
John: so I know they will you
John: lol
Amy: well they want to be your myspace friend whats wrong with that
John: they saw some back and forth Alex and myself had so they were like yeah lets get on his page too
Amy: did u let em?
John: some
John: some of the more crazy ones no
John: Alex lets them on anyway
John: they leave message like fat fucker on his page
John: lol
Amy: and he keeps em?
John: some people friend him just to publicly bash him
John: yeah he believes in free speech
Amy: well of course..some have done that to Bondauce after all haha
John: just not spammers though they get deleted
John: Douchebag went to the FBI though.
John: lmao
Amy: lol
John: And John Conner aka Mark Dice now refers to himself in the third person in his bulletin
John: I sent a reply making fun of him
John: lol
Amy: well that guy is so clueless to how STUPID he can sound
By the way his new fake name sounds worse than his first haha! DICE!
John: I know I don't understand why he has gain such popularity all of a sudden
John: who would you rather listen to me or him
John: lol
John: Hometown Prank caller makes good I guess
John: hell i've done this longer than him
John: I read a blog of his the other day and he wrote this piece on the pentagon and the missle theory like he had just come to some earth shattering conclusion and it was exactly was Jones had been saying for a year
John: what not was