Wait this gets more funny
and as Cg knows..we have this thing about Sychronicities.
I got this email from Leslie, from my Chiros Office. We talk, are buddies. She is great.
Second part of the letter:
"Secondly...I have a packet full of what looks like stickers that was left here recently and I was trying to figure out who it belonged to. The name on it is XXXX XXXX and the stickers are for a movie or something called "A Scanner Darkly". Does this ring a bell for you?
I'm just tryin to solve these little puzzles! You're such a woman of mystery...Hope you are having a lovely day...
She loves stickers so i left them for her.
I got a free Scanner Darkly DVD and package from the movie company for posting their Trailor.
She hadnt heard of it
When I called her a few minutes ago I was telling her of the Ruckus Rosie was having at the View (She hates Rosie, as many do) and Alex is getting an interview with her.
She didnt know who Alex was..
Two minutes later John sends me this..>Alex was in Scanner Darkly hahahahahah
WOLF: here's a pic from A Scanner Darkly of him