Patti Smith, Ansel Adams, oh and Black Halos touring with Social D. Freal, just emailed with Adam.

Mar 20, 2007 15:52

That fucker just left.
I heard the Hummer.

The freaked out Heater guy who spent 7 hours here.
Yes I will have a meeting with the organization he is representing but I wanted to see what his bid would be, it would lower the others.
So he spent 2 and a half hours measuring my basement just now. Bullshit.
I sequestered myself on the second floor and have been waiting to go down to get in the shower. Good thing I didn't do so, half dressed 30 minutes ago as was the plan.
So Craig couldn't keep me entertained via IMs :/
Talking to a guy from Spain and a woman from Quebec on Soulseek for an hour instead.

Right, I think I'll post something I put out for Kevin.

Patti Smith stuff.
Irony was, I read she was raised by a Jehovah Witness (Mother) and Atheist father.
She also was so poor she had do drop out of highschool at 16 to work in a factor.
If you listen to the Kids are People Too video, you can pick up on educational or upbringing things.

Oh yeah and I saw Phils photo recently, DAYUM I think he is mighty good looking.
and um 6'5.
He really should have told me that sooner :D
Being almost 5'11 in most modern footwear, I love tall men. Oh well I always have actually.


I bought a bunch of his prints at Target one year...all matted..for $8.00 a piece. Bet they didn't know who he was.

Ansel Adams Exhibit

Forgot to add that part. Who wants to go..Mac?
Jess come visit me!
I went downtown heart was full of pride.
I was expecting annoyance with inner city decay and anger.
This beautiful 'spring' day. I want to go down there and take photos.
Spend a whole day.

Before they tear down ALL of the historic houses off of John R.
My god though, Detroit may actually be something to be proud of one day.
Driving along the old Cobblestone roads and looking across !94 to Ford Stadium, Comerica Park and all....Wow!

I have a new $1500 Retail Digital professional camera I have not used yet.

I Saw the Claudel Rodin Exhibit on a Friday night. Serving wine and such. Yes, Detroit on A Friday Night.


TRYING THIS HTML LINK STUFF>>>>THANKS Sarah, we'll see if it works

People Have The Power
"People Have the Power" and the homage to the revolutionary spirit of Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh, "Gung Ho," but is also apparent in the songs of a more personal nature that appear on all of these albums. Her latest album, Trampin', continues this trend."

This year...Rock and Roll hall of Fame:

Hall Of Fame

I am repsoting some of this for Kevin. Fellow Music aficionado:
If you could understand the Irony of the fact I had just made note of not seeing a bulletin from you, and then when I went to look for your address via your comment on my Patti Smith had been deleted.
To then....Happen to be on an Edie Sedwick page a few hours later and BOOM there you were, on the top friends list.

Then I must now repost the Bulletin of the Videos I found.

Now....they are missing the one I was realllly looking for.
People Have the Power.
Being it was shot here in Detroit. Patti living in St Clair shores for years with now deceased MC5 guitarist.
I have it on my old computer (AHEM RONNIE) but it's nowhere to be found on youtube.

It holds a lot of sentiment which is probably good I don't revisit too often in the video for several reason.
The big one being, the shots in the DIA (Another bulletin I must make due to an Ansel Adams exibit there now)

Being my father was one of only a handful of people asked and invited to watch the making and paiting of this mural.

DIA Mural
Diego Rivera ( 1886-1957) Fresco

As well as the fact his father was the president of the Scarab club
Scarab Club a sacred artist community pre Detroit Institute of Arts.

Detroit Institute Of Arts

The video shows some Detroit classics such as the Joe Louis Fist sculpture, where we always felt the visiting Pope should have made his speech.
The dueling downtown Coney Islands on Lafayette.
Etc etc etc.

Then of course....the most amazing lyrics.
Wherein, At least we can get a rendition of Patti speaking in Prose.

She is so nervous. Boy does she sound nervous.
"Kids are People too" OMG

"The female Mick Jagger"

The Only version that matters
(Can you be more enthusiastic Jeff!)

Ohhh i found another copy with a better intro

"Her work has influenced some of the most important people of our time.
Her book of Poetry speeks for her Generation
She is a Rock Renasiance woman, aLegend, and High Priestess of Punk all in one"

The only album by Sarah that matters.

I was dreaming in my dreaming
Of an aspect bright and fair
And my sleeping it was broken
But my dream it lingered near
In the form of shining valleys
Where the pure air recognized
And my senses newly opened
I awakened to the cry
That the people / have the power
To redeem / the work of fools
Upon the meek / the graces shower
Its decreed / the people rule

The people have the power
The people have the power
The people have the power
The people have the power

Vengeful aspects became suspect
And bending low as if to hear
And the armies ceased advancing
Because the people had their ear
And the shepherds and the soldiers
Lay beneath the stars
Exchanging visions
And laying arms
To waste / in the dust
In the form of / shining valleys
Where the pure air / recognized
And my senses / newly opened
I awakened / to the cry


Where there were deserts
I saw fountains
Like cream the waters rise
And we strolled there together
With none to laugh or criticize
And the leopard
And the lamb
Lay together truly bound
I was hoping in my hoping
To recall what I had found
I was dreaming in my dreaming
God knows / a purer view
As I surrender to my sleeping
I commit my dream to you


The power to dream / to rule
To wrestle the world from fools
Its decreed the people rule
Its decreed the people rule
I believe everything we dream
Can come to pass through our union
We can turn the world around
We can turn the earths revolution
We have the power
People have the power ..

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