Jun 25, 2008 18:45

I have the biggest fucking crush on a beautiful boy at work.
And even though I'm fat and ugly and disgusting and have a shitty personality, I think for some weird reason he likes me back.

I'm going to Mexico for two weeks.  July 9th through the 23rd.  I was excited until I found out it was two weeks.  Fuck.  What am I going to do in a tiny little town that has more donkeys than people for two weeks?  UGHUGHGUGH.  At least I'll get to see my grandma who moved back in February AND CRASHED MY JEEP ONE WEEK AFTER SHE GOT DOWN THERE INTO A BRICK WALL AND KNOCKED IT DOWN.  And visit my great-grandma who is like 88 and still kickin'.  And eat goat at my uncle's goat restaurant.  And hang out at the run down ugly ghetto Sala de Juventud with my cousins.

My mom refuses to drive me to new student orientation in California on Saturday (that we already paid $200 for) so I have no idea how I'm going to register for classes.    It's mandatory.

Life is so complicated.

And I'm totally convinced that God, if He exists, is a sadist.  I flirted with the idea for a while but after my car wouldn't start in 113 degree weather down on the fucking STRIP the other day I am now certain
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