there you go with hope again

Jul 14, 2004 16:52


iminyourbed09: yeppers
iminyourbed09: peppers
iminyourbed09: yummy dummy
LuckiLindsi07: in my tummy lol
iminyourbed09: the tummy of a dummy
LuckiLindsi07: that's you lol
LuckiLindsi07: :-P
iminyourbed09: thats me?? go drink pee
LuckiLindsi07: go eat shit you stupid bitch
iminyourbed09: im not a bitch i just have an itch
LuckiLindsi07: well scratch it then and give me that pen
iminyourbed09: this is my pen you fucking hen
LuckiLindsi07: no it's mine cunty mint cunt pie
iminyourbed09: cunt pie my ass now go munch some grass
LuckiLindsi07: after you ho then go ahead and blow
iminyourbed09: youre the last one to be talking about blowing you go topless even when its snowing
LuckiLindsi07: at least my pants are still there when you take yours off everywhere
iminyourbed09: being naked feels good at least i dont fuck all those homies from the 'hood
LuckiLindsi07: yeah i'm sorry you've downgraded yourself to all the old guys who need "your help"
iminyourbed09: you dumb fuck listen here, at least i dont like having guys come in my ear
LuckiLindsi07: well it's better in the ear then in my mouth like you do with a guy whenever you go out
iminyourbed09: well im not a damn slut, cant you see? ill be right back cause i gotta go pee
iminyourbed09: well now im back, from outerspace, and you just stand there with that sad look upon your face
LuckiLindsi07: i'm only sad cuz you are back, cuz i don't wanna deal with your stupid crap
iminyourbed09: that didnt ryme you trashy ass whore, you wake up in the morning with your pants off on the floor
LuckiLindsi07: you say i'm trash and that's ok, atleast i didn't get herpes like you today
iminyourbed09: i might have herpes but i gotta make a living, unlike you, under the bridge is where youre living
LuckiLindsi07: that bridge is my home it's better than yours at least i don't live in a crackhouse with a bunch of other whores
iminyourbed09: whore is such a big word out of such a little girl, close your legs bitch, that smell makes me wanna hurl
LuckiLindsi07: well at least i shower unlike you, something it seems you never do
iminyourbed09: i shower alot, too much in fact, and you call me whore but at least my viginity is still intact
LuckiLindsi07: oh no it's not that doesn't count, many things have been going in yours in and out
iminyourbed09: masturbation is one thing and sex is another, whenever you have sex you picture your mother!!
LuckiLindsi07: that's just gross you stupid dyke, i'm done with you now so take a hike
iminyourbed09: hikes are good but flyings better, you best not have sex while you’re wearing my sweater
LuckiLindsi07: i'm sorry hun but it's too late for that, i also was wearing your favorite hat
iminyourbed09: you silly bitch, i dont own a hat, you better shut your mouth before i beat you with a bat
LuckiLindsi07: go ahead and beat me if you can, but you're hands might be too busy with another man
iminyourbed09: youre not worth it you fricken goose i cant believe a girl as ugly as you managed to get so loose
LuckiLindsi07: whatever i don't care atleast i'm great, and if you don't believe me just ask your b/f nate
iminyourbed09: oh im done with nate, he thinks hes so hot, but seems like every time hes with you is only because he was smoking pot
LuckiLindsi07: better smoking that sniffing crack, which was all he did with you, don't deny that
iminyourbed09: drugs are for losers booze is much better, he told me he hates you, he even wrote it to me in a letter
LuckiLindsi07: well don't believe what he writes he's full of shit, but why do you care all you do is suck his dick
iminyourbed09: no i actually dont, im a very good kid, last time you went to his house, he ran away and hid
LuckiLindsi07: well i don't care i'm doing that now, cuz the thunder i just heard was really fucking loud
iminyourbed09: holy crap would you look at that! that guy on tv is wearing a rainbow hat
iminyourbed09: he must be gay, gay just like you, tell me lindsi, do you have a rainbow hat too
LuckiLindsi07: how gay he is, he's gotta be, no one should wear a hate unless their gay, just like me
LuckiLindsi07: wow, you fucking copy cat lol
iminyourbed09: you broke the ryming lol
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