Spring Break at the the Embassy? Try the HOJO!!!

Apr 03, 2005 00:15

Ok, so me and my friend Fadelle get to Hot Springs and arrive at the Embassy to check in. Yea, did you know you have to be 21 to check in to a hotel? I've checked into 4 different hotels in the past 6 months and havent had any trouble at all...oh well, so we didnt get to stay at the Embassy. We decided we would try else where...how about the HOJO? yes we stayed in a howard Johnson, aka HOJO. It was ok, not the Embassy, but it was ok...so with the exception of the hotel sucking royaly, we had a blast with the whole spa thing. then we got home and I got sick, then my stage manager, who is acting in our current show, slipped a disk in her back when she was picking up her son cant so the shows, so I have become one of the main charactors in like 3 hours...Being an understudy rocks!!!! Thats my Spring Break story, and im sticking to it!
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