update and quiz thingy

Apr 10, 2005 20:35

hey back from New Brausfels...it was fun....we lost ALL our games and i also lost my voice yelling "WATCH MIDDLE COURT" at a bunch of 13 year old girls...it was fun

im still scared of him...

(Crotch Sausage) wtf rissa!

Name: Sharodon Elizabeth Lester
02. Nicknames: Share Bear, Shar Nair (dont ask), Share Babe, Shar, Share (yes theres a difference)
03. Screen name(s): if you know me then you kno i have to many to list here although my current one is fallenfor54 which used to be my old one
04. Grade: 9th
06. Sex: Female
07. Birthday: June 30
08. Zodiac sign: Cancer (and no landry i dont have cancer)
09. Hospital where you were born: umm some army base in FT, Worth
10. Height: 5'6ish 7ish
11. All your toes and fingers: blue and pick :)
12. Hair Color: dirty blonde
13. Eye Color: hazel


16. Crush: yes of course
17: Girlfriend/Boyfriend? unofficially well no not really
18. If you could go out with anyone in the world, who would it be? uh james of course.
19. When and who was your 1st crush?: eric brennan 4th grade...ok ...ok i was a late bloomer.
20. What do you first notice about the opposite sex?: Eyes hellz yea its eyes
21. Your idea of a perfect date: April 22nd cause it's not too warm or not too cold. All you need is a light jacket....hahaha (rissa i have to leave this here cuz its hilarious)
23. Biggest turn-on: being fun....they cant be serious....anyone who knows james will get this
24. Perfect/ideal guy: James Holt...obviously


26. Occupation: a teacher i hope and learn to fly well i know already...but do it professionly
27. Dream Car: a HUGE truck a big black one
28. Marriage: yes
29. Kids: def i love em
30. Future son's name: austin
31. Future daughter's name: holly, allie, heaven
32. Honeymoon: Montego Bay!!! jamaica! 
33. Where will you live?: australia...on the beach...
34. What are you doing tomorrow?:school.....unfortunately only 5 more weeks!


35. Food: ummm potatoes :)
36. Drink: DP duh..
37. TV show: Smallville i guess its gotten kinda weird lately
38. Movie: the Sword in the Stone, Dirty Dancing, Moulin Rouge, risky business
39. CD: linkin park meteora
40. Color: red , passion, sex, love, and soooo onnnn
41. Actor: mel gibson, tom cruise, a british actor that yall prolly wont know
42. Actress: nicole kidman, susan sarandon, sissy spacek,a bunch more
44. Day of the week: friday. yessss
45. Month: june i love summer and my b-day
46. Book: Delores Claiborne, Steven King
47. Holiday: I LOVE Christmas
48. Number: 13
49. Cookie: oreos you cant beat oreos
50. Phrase to overuse: just kidding
51. Toothpaste: cinnammon
52. Ice cream: chocolate
53. Candy: cookies and cream hershey
54. Teacher: Mrs. Woo i know its crazy but i love her
55. Restaurant: hmm somewhere on the water
57. Type of music: punk, country, emo, metal, classic rock, oldies, some rap, lets see...everything?
58. Radio Station: 102.3 it plays everything or 107.3 when i mad which is alot so...
59. Shampoo/Conditioner: Suave the coconut one
60. Song: Thats What I love about sundays
61. Music Video: umm my favorite songs' video kicks ass as well
62. Sport to play: softball...i miss it lots
63. Website: livejournal.com
64. Hangout: theater room


66. Friends: oh gosh.....i guess my best friends are...kelly, ariel, austin, and james
68. Silliest: STEVEN! ahh hes crazy
69. Laughs the most: ummmmm  i dont know...
70. Craziest: honestly i think landry is crazy
71. Skinniest: james! ahh hes super skinny!
72. Best at keeping your secrets: ariel.
73. Smartest: amy
74. Most innocent-looking: NONE of my friends look "innocent" prolly cuz none of em are
75. Coolest name: ariel
76. Stupidest: ummmmm megan? rofls jkjk...or am i.
77. Weirdest: allllll of em...thats why they are my friends...
78. Most hyper: it depends what time of day you catch my friends..
79. never get tired of talking to: none of em...thats also why they are my friends..

The "EITHER OR" side

81. *N Sync OR BSB: BSB all the way baby
82. Peanut butter OR Jelly:  PB
83. Boxers OR Briefs: commando style....for the obvious reasons
84. Matt OR Ben: Matt!!! Bens cute but matts better
85. Mtv or VH1: VH1
86. Apples OR Oranges: Oranges
87. Vanilla OR Chocolate: Chocolate
88. Flowers OR Candy: jewelry...
89. Dawson's Creek OR Felicity: i used to worship dawsons creek just for joshua jackson
90. Romantic, Comedy OR Horror: romantic im a sucker for those...


91. Do you believe in angels?: yes...
92. Aliens: duh...i know several..
93. Heaven & Hell?: both exist..im sure
94. God?: of course i believe in god i believe in god more than i believe in anything even life itself


95. Been on a plane: Yupperz
96. Cried in public: hells yea
97. Climbed a tree: almost everyday...keeps me young.
98. Fell asleep in a Movie Theater: probably
99. Slept naked?: everynight baby....rofls
100. With someone else?:dont i wish...
101. Met the president: i wish hes sooo good
102. Gotten a cavity?: yea im a bad brusher...
103. Shopped at Abercrombie &Fitch: yes...unfortunately...
105. Had sex: Nope
106. Said, "I love you,": Yessir
107. Made prank call?: hasnt everyone?
108. Gone skinny dipping:  **blushes** only a few times...
109. Loved somebody so much it made you cry: yes! just last night actually or no night before..
110. Gone to a park and checked out all the cute guys/girls: yea everyone does that...

111. Do you sleep with a stuff animal?: yes
112. Last time you showered: yesterday but ima bout to go swimmin
113. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: tickle-me-pink
114. How many buddies do you have on your list?: wow...rissa...61? PATHETIC rofls...jk i got 183!!
115. Do you like this survey?: sure
116. Favorite character: the evil person in any movie
117. One pillow or two, cotton or feather?: i sleep on my tiger :) **smiles**
118. Last CD you bought: The Used...it kicks ass
119. How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Buttercup?:eat the outsides...
120. Feelings on abortion: I think its the womans choice. It could seriously ruin your life.
121. Is 2pac alive?: maybe...maybe not
122. Thoughts on Britney Spears: love her
123. what does your screen name mean?: fallenfor...in CT you used number to represent the person you liked and james would be 54 so ive fallen for james..pretty pathetic right it was late..leave me alone...
124. Who do you most admire: my friends...
125. Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: righty..if i try im ambidextrous
126. What is on your mouse pad?: dont need one cuz we have the wireless keyboard and mousey..
127. What is under your bed?: my trundle bed...
128. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop?: alot i hurt my tongue tryin so i gave up
129. Any last comments?: no.. i think?

last kiss: umm friday i think i kissed him friday..
last good cry: friday night...if you wanna know ask..
last library book checked out: something on the harlem renaissance last year
last movie seen: guess who with jamesey
last book read: im in the middle of deception point
last cuss word uttered: shit...
last beverage drank: DP
last food consumed: a salad! from sonic
last crush: umm i still like my crush
last TV show watched: monk
last phone: rissa!
last time showered: last night
last shoes worn: Converse. the Tennies version
last cd played: the used
last item bought: ummm food?
last thing downloaded: i dont download much
last annoyance: boys...i hate boys...
last disappointment: boys....
last soda drank: DP
last thing written: my name? oo no i wrote I love james on my hand..figures...
last key used: the backspace
last word spoken: "whad she say?"
last sleep: i slept on the grass at the air show
last sexual fantasy: whenever i think of umm ya know..
last weird encounter: going outside with someone..
last ice cream eaten: umm couple of days ago.
last time wanting to die: today.
last time in love: today.
last time hugged: today...my parents..
last time scolded: today
last time resentful: today
last chair sat in: umm the very uncomfy one im in now..
last lipstick used: my perdy one..i use for school..
last shirt worn: my euro disney one.
last time dancing: today with amanda.
last poster looked at: the apache on my wall (its a helicopter for all yall who dont know)
last show attended: no idea.... ima loser. so...

Stole this from Rissa! who...... Stole this from Keri. Who stole it from Trish who probably stole it from someone else. Etc. Etc. Etc.

GOSHness that was loooooong

"hes over there with his  girlfriend whos SMART AND PRETTY AND HAS BIG BOOBS which is the only reason he  likes her....what the hell is his problem doesnt he see me here right next to him...what a  idiot... i dont get him....i hate boys they should all die..."

....and people wonder why i wanted to die today.... take a guess people

ugh i hate life..i wanna go get drunk...i mean..im happy...sooo happy.....

**goes and gets the keys to the liquor cabinet**...hey wait...my rents dont even lock it...supposedly they trust us....

im goin upstairs after i visit the sliverware drawer......in the kitchen...s....h...a.r....p.....  XXXXXX


im goin to a psychiatrist

its official...and i want to...someone to talk to.  lately no one understands

this picture is amazing

it fits the moment too

i still need to get a new lj....gimme some ideas for a name pleases

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