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May 01, 2011 14:58

Player nickname: Megan
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Current Characters: tolordandland

Character: Amy Pond
Fandom: Doctor Who

Character Notes:


Amy was born Amelia Jessica Pond in 1989 in Scotland. Sometime before the age of seven, she was orphaned and went to live in the English village of Leadworth with her Aunt Sharon. At age seven, she met a Time Lord named the Doctor, whose spaceship/time machine that looked like a Police Box crashed in her backyard. This was late at night, but her aunt was not at home, and Amelia showed no fear at the strange man in the box. She had been wishing a policeman would come fix the crack in her bedroom wall, because at night she heard voices coming from it and that frightened her. She took a liking to the Doctor right away, even though she found him quite strange. He opened the crack in her wall to discover it was a crack in time, and an alien being was looking through for an escaped prisoner. Then the crack sealed completely, but before the Doctor could help with this "prisoner" situation, his spaceship, the TARDIS, was in danger of exploding. He explained he would have to take it away so it wouldn't do any damage. Amelia asked if she could come, but the Doctor said it was too dangerous and he would come back in five minutes. Amelia sadly complained that that was what everyone said. The Doctor asked her to trust him, and then he left, while Amelia excitedly rushed to pack and wait outside for him. But the TARDIS sometimes doesn't get her time travel correct, and the Doctor didn't return for her. Amelia became somewhat obsessed with the Doctor, creating dolls and stories, often forcing her childhood friend Rory to dress up as the Doctor when they played together. From early on, it was clear that Amy was the one with the forceful personality and Rory was the passive one, going along with what she said. Eventually she grew up, shortened her name to Amy, and became a kissogram. But she still kept all of her Doctor toys, pictures, etc. in her bedroom.

Twelve years later, when she was nineteen, the Doctor unexpectedly returned. After a bit of convincing, she agreed to help him in his mission to deliver the escaped prisoner to the aliens looking for him, or else the planet would be destroyed. Along the way, they met up with Rory, now Amy's boyfriend, and together they saved the day. What is interesting to note, however, is that she introduced Rory to the Doctor as her "friend," and Rory had to correct her and state that they were in fact boyfriend and girlfriend. It's not clear whether they had just begun dating, or if Amy didn't want the Doctor to know she was dating someone. Personally, I feel Amy didn't want to label what she had with Rory as a relationship, due to her abandonment issues. After all this, the Doctor rushed back to the TARDIS to take it for a test drive, leaving Amy behind yet again. He meant to return again right away, but of course, that tricky time travel meant he didn't return for two years, and now Amy is 21. We find that Amy and Rory are now engaged and it is now the night before her wedding. The Doctor offered to let her come aboard, but she resisted at first, wanting to make him sweat for leaving her for so long. But he could see through the act, and joked that, "Oh yeah, you're coming."

Together she and the Doctor travel through time and space, often getting into trouble. They discover the mysteries of a huge starship, encounter Daleks in war torn London, and battle Weeping Angels on a far off planet along with the Doctor's mysterious friend, River Song. Amy is not jealous of the strange, secretive relationship the Doctor and River have, taking a liking to the other woman right away and even asking each of them if they were married to the other. After these episodes, Amy gets cold feet, and when the Doctor returns her home, she makes a pass at him. The Doctor rebuffs her, finds Rory at his stag party, and tells him that Amy tried to kiss him. He decides the best solution is to take the two on a trip so they can reconnect. Rory is understandably upset with Amy, and Amy is awkward around him, giving him a punch in the shoulder and declaring that she was always coming back. She tries to brush off her flirting with the Doctor and just enjoy their trip to Venice, which Rory agrees to. Again, this shows how Amy is the driving force in their relationship while Rory is passive. The two do indeed reconnect in Venice, in part because, to keep her safe, the Doctor yells at her and sends her away, which makes her draw closer to Rory. As they head back to the TARDIS, Amy decides she wants Rory to come along with them in their travels, and he agrees.

Next Amy, Rory, and the Doctor are at the mercy of a strange person calling himself the Dream Lord. This character puts the three to a test, to determine what is real life and what is a dreamworld, and their lives are at stake. In one world, they are trapped on the dead TARDIS and start to freeze. In the other, it is five years in the future, Rory and Amy are married, and she's pregnant with their first child. Rory is convinced that this is the real world, because it's what he's always wanted with Amy, but Amy isn't so sure. When their village is attacked by aliens and Rory is killed, Amy is stunned. She demands the Doctor bring him back, and when he says he can't, she harshly replies, "Then what is the point of you?" She decides that this must be the dream world, because if it's the real world, she doesn't want to live in it without Rory.

This is the turning point of her relationship with Rory. She is forced to choose between him and the Doctor and she chooses Rory. Once they are returned to the real world, Amy confesses to Rory about what happened to him and that she decided to end it all rather than be without him. This strengthens their relationship and it looks as though Amy will be able to accept married life with him much easier now.

However, that unfortunately doesn't happen. The audience sees them separated for most of the next two episodes and at the end, Rory is shot and killed. Amy is understandably grief stricken and does everything in her power to try and get the Doctor to retrieve Rory's body before it's pulled into the crack in time and space, which will erase him from ever existing. The Doctor tries to get her to remember him, but Amy's will isn't strong enough, which makes sense because she just watched him die again, and she can't hold onto any memory of Rory as he's pulled into the crack.

The next episode starts with Amy being suspicious as to why the Doctor is being so nice to her by taking her to so many fabulous places, but when the Doctor gets defensive, she admits that she was joking. Obviously it's because the Doctor feels guilty that he could do nothing to save Rory and wants to do things to make Amy happy. The two meet Vincent Van Gogh, who takes an immediate liking to both, especially Amy, and the feeling is returned. Oddly enough, even though Amy can't remember Rory, she suddenly starts crying, without understanding the reason why, which startles her. As for Vincent, Amy believes if she and the Doctor show him enough support, they can rewrite history and Vincent won't commit suicide. Unfortunately that doesn't work and Amy is pretty distraught over it, until the Doctor reminds her that they made an impact on his life and made him happy. After this episode, Amy is trapped alone in the TARDIS while the Doctor is trapped on Earth, but the two can communicate. She holds her own in the ship, describing how it's reacting to an unknown phenomenon as well as coaching the Doctor on how to appear more human. At the end of this episode, once the two are reunited, Amy discovers her engagement ring in the Doctor's jacket pocket. Rory had left it in the TARDIS for safekeeping before he died, and the Doctor was keeping it.

This takes us to the two part finale. Amy is confused by this ring, wondering who it belonged to. She and the Doctor meet up with River again during the Roman occupation of Britain, to solve a mystery involving a huge box that can't be opened. It turns out the box was based on Pandora's Box, but in reverse. The Doctor's enemies created it to hold him inside, imprisoned forever. But there is another enemy who tries to destroy the TARDIS, and the power released by such an explosion would end the universe. Oddly enough, within all this confusion, Rory returns, and is dismayed to see Amy doesn't remember him. Unfortunately he is just a copy of Rory, though with Rory's memories. As the two talk, Amy starts crying again, and reaches out to touch his face. She is scared by her reaction to him, but suddenly everything clicks and she remembers who he is. What should be a joyful reunion isn't, however, as the copy of Rory is programmed to kill her. He fights his programming, and Amy trusts that he can, but he ends up shooting and killing her. Due to a bunch of time travel paradoxes, the Doctor is freed from the box and Amy is put inside. The box will be able to restore her, and when it opens again, she'll be alive and well.

But when the box opens in 1996, the universe is different. The TARDIS exploded, killing every star, but the Earth survived for the last 2,000 years by being in the path of the TARDIS's dispelled energy. In other words, the TARDIS was acting as the Earth's sun. Amy wakes up to discover that Rory has guarded her box ever since she was put in it. After all kinds of science mumbo jumbo, we discover that the Doctor needs to create another Big Bang to stop the universe from ending. When he does so, it restarts everything again, but the Doctor disappears from existence. The only way to bring him back is for Amy to remember him. On her wedding day, she starts crying, because she is sad, though she doesn't know the source. Finally it clicks and she remembers the Doctor. She announces to her guests that her wedding is missing the Doctor, and he appears in the TARDIS. At the end of the episode (and season), he tries to sneak away, but Amy and Rory catch up, ready to go on more adventures with him.

In the Christmas special, Amy and Rory are on their honeymoon when the cruise ship they're on gets damaged coming through a planet's cloud layer. The ship will crash if the clouds aren't cleared, and there's one man on the planet, Kazran Sardick, with the power to do that and save the passengers. The Doctor comes into the man's life at different points in his time line to try and change him into a better person so he'll save the ship. At one point Amy is sent to Kazran as a holographic projection to plead with him to save them, but she can't sway him and so turns things back over to the Doctor. In the end, the Doctor's actions save the day and Amy and Rory meet up with the Doctor on the planet.

After his, the Doctor drops the couple back on Earth and takes off on his own. While two months pass for Amy and Rory, much more time passes for the Doctor. He pops up in history books and an old movie to get their attention and let them keep track of his adventures without them. One day a letter arrives with a date and coordinates to a place in Utah. Knowing it's the Doctor, the two pack up and meet him there. River Song is summoned as well and together they witness the Doctor being murdered by a figure in an Apollo astronaut spacesuit. This devastates Amy, and she can't see the point in River and Rory contemplating who else the Doctor sent an envelope to, because he's dead and gone. However, the Doctor suddenly appears again. The Doctor they witnessed dying was an older version and the younger one has no idea what will happen to him. It's a horrible secret that Amy, Rory, and River must keep from him.

While trying to find out the connection between a man named Canton Delaware (who also received an envelope from the Doctor) and the eventually death of the Doctor, the group goes back to 1969 to discover a race of aliens called the Silence that make you forget their existence the moment you look away. These aliens kidnap Amy and make her believe she is pregnant. Finding a microphone device that is livewired to broadcast whatever Amy says, Rory hears her confess that she loves someone that Rory assumes is the Doctor and his "stupid face," however, when the group goes to rescue Amy and a fight breaks out, she yells at Rory to run and get his stupid face out of there, proving that the man she was confessing her love to is him, not the Doctor. Back in the TARDIS, the Doctor runs a scan to see if she is pregnant, but oddly the TARDIS's results claim to be both positive and negative at the same time.

Their latest adventure takes them aboard a pirate ship beset by a beautiful siren that marks injured or ill men with a black spot before coming to take them away, presumably killing them with one touch. In trying to fight off pirates with a cutlass to rescue the Doctor from walking the plank, Amy accidentally drops the cutlass and Rory is cut, being given a black spot as a result. Whenever the siren appears, Rory is drawn to her and Amy has to forcibly hold him back. As more of the pirate crew are picked off a storm comes and the group has to go out on deck to tie things down. In the process Rory is knocked off the ship and begins to drown. Amy is about to dive in after him, but the Doctor holds her back and releases the siren instead, seeing no other choice. It seems she was killing the crew, but if Rory was going to drown anyway, he decided to let the siren have him in case she wasn't killing them. Then the Doctor, Amy, and the pirate captain agree to let themselves be taken by the siren as well.

Once they are, the Doctor realizes she wasn't a siren killing men at all. She was a spaceship's automatic medical protocol, and the spaceship was locked in the same place as the pirate ship, but in an overlapping universe. The spaceship's crew was dead, and so the auto doctor came to the pirate ship's universe and took the injured crew to her medical bay. Finding Rory there, Amy tries to unhook him from the machinery, but he gasps for breath as though he's still drowning and the auto doctor becomes menacing until the Doctor figures out a way to explain that Rory is Amy's husband and she "signs" a sort of consent form to be responsible for him. It turns out Rory is being kept alive in the medical bay, but if he's unhooked from the machine's he'll continue drowning. He tells Amy that he trusts her to perform CPR on him to save him, because she won't give up. After hearing this, Amy, who was skeptical she could do this, agrees, and she unhooks him from the machine. She and the Doctor take him to the TARDIS where she performs CPR, but it doesn't seem to work. Finally, as she's overcome with sobs, Rory finally coughs out the water and comes back to life.

The episode ends with Amy and Rory about to leave the Doctor to go to bed, Amy worrying about the Doctor and Rory reminding her she can't ever tell the Doctor she's seen his future death in Utah. As they leave, the Doctor checks the TARDIS's scanner again, which still claims Amy is both pregnant and not pregnant at the same time.


Even at a young age, Amy was brave and could take care of herself. She was left alone at home at night while her aunt was out, and it seemed like this was a normal thing. She was used to people leaving her. Her parents were gone by the time she first met the Doctor at age seven, her aunt was out, and the Doctor quickly left her too. In the short amount of time she spent with the Doctor, she had thought him weird, but helpful. When he up and left, promising to return in five minutes, she sat and waited for him, since he had promised her a ride in his magical blue box. But he didn't return. This had a huge impact on her. She didn't easily trust people, because she figured they would always leave her. And she was left constantly dreaming about this strange man she had met, vehemently refusing to believe he was a figment of her imagination. She had four different psychiatrists, because when they tried telling her the Doctor wasn't real, she acted out and bit them.

As an adult, Amy gets left on her own quite a bit, but she takes charge of the situation, showing bravery, determination, and intuition. She shows amazement at new situations, but adapts quickly to them, and even notices things the Doctor doesn't. At times she can be flirty and likes to tease, but also has a compassionate side, showing concern for those who are suffering. She is loud, brash, the definition of the fiery redhead, and even admits that she can be scary. She sometimes makes threats, empty as they might be, the point being, her anger can flare up easily. But she has a vulnerable side too. At the beginning of the series, she's engaged to marry Rory, but the night before her wedding she runs off with the Doctor. It's possible she's afraid to settle down, or maybe she wants to leave Rory before he has the chance to leave her, feeding into her fear of abandonment. Her relationship with Rory is at first hard to pin down, but what's known is that in her regular timeline in which she was abandoned as a child, she had never told Rory she loved him. But she truly does care about him deep down, she is just afraid to express it in words. In the alternate timeline created during the finale, she grew up with her parents always there, and on her wedding day she talks to Rory on the phone, ending the conversation with, "Love you."

After that, they settle into married life, but Rory still seems insecure about Amy's feelings towards the Doctor. When Amy admits, "I know you think it’s him. I know you think it ought to be him. But it’s not. It’s you," that she loves, Rory assumes she's speaking to the Doctor, but it turns out she means Rory. When she discovers that's what Rory thought, she calls him a moron and kisses him. Later she admits to the Doctor that he's her best friend, so she has two very strong relationships within the TARDIS right now.

Amy has skills in areas that aren't quite legal. She knows how to pick locks with a bobby pin, and she has also shown herself capable of being a pickpocket. From her confession that she "Never could resist a Keep Out sign," it's probable that she spent her youth or teen years running around and getting into trouble, picking up her lock picking and pickpocket skills along the way. She projects confidence, though she's most likely insecure underneath. She has an extroverted nature, and can start conversations and form friendships easily.

Amy has been known to be selfish and flippant, especially when it comes to her early relationship with Rory. She rarely thinks of his feelings, or how her flirty and flippant manner might hurt him. She throws around words and phrases like, "idiot," and "shut up," clearly not thinking or caring how those words might hurt someone. Her brash nature can be offputting to some, especially those not used to her. She also jumps into situations without thinking of the consequences, but sometimes they are for selfish reasons and sometimes not. She picked a lock and headed into an area that was clearly labeled "Keep Out," because she was curious and wanted to explore. This led to her being attacked by strange tentacles and then drugged by security guards. But another time, when she and others were in a situation where the ground started caving in, she was nearly to safety when another began to be dragged down, so she jumped over and tried to pull him out, giving the man time to be pulled free by his friend, but resulting in her being pulled down under the earth instead.

Additional Links: Amy Pond on TARDIS Wikia

First Person (entry type):

Today I got to run around on a pirate ship, swinging a sword. Or cutlass. Whatever they're called. I was doing pretty well until one of the smelly pirates grabbed me and knocked the sword away. Then Rory had to be an idiot and get in the way, getting cut. Oh, but no problem. That just brought a crazy green lady out of the water who wanted to abduct him!

Let's just say it was a fun adventure until my husband was knocked off the ship and started drowning. Honestly, I have seen Rory die more than any person should ever have to see their loved ones die. But in the end he came back to me and everything turned out ok.

Well, not everything. I still can't stop thinking about the Doctor dying. I want to stop it. I don't care that I've already seen it and it will mess up time lines or whatever. I want to do something to stop it ever happening. There just might be a way, and if I find a chance, I'll take it. Time can be rewritten, after all.

Third Person:
Amy hummed to herself as she stirred the cookie dough with a big wooden spoon. Ever since getting married, she had found herself becoming more domestic, and was now making good use of the TARDIS's impressive kitchen to bake cookies for her boys. She, the Doctor, and Rory had just escaped a prison planet where they had been confused for convicts out of their cells, and after such an ordeal, they had all agreed that some rest and relaxation was in order.

The last she'd seen the Doctor and Rory, they had been playing a rather intense game of ping pong in one of the ship's many recreation rooms. Amy declared that she would be playing the winner, but in the meantime, she'd bake them some snacks.

She carefully spooned out the dough, checked and double checked the instructions on the box, then tossed the box in the bin and shrugged. "Who cares if they're burnt? I'll make them eat it anyway." The oven was some special model, capable of baking things in a flash, so she set the baking sheet inside, closed the door, and set the timer for one minute. In the meantime, she poured three glasses of milk and placed them on a tray along with a plate.

The oven timer dinged and she quickly pulled on an oven mitt, opening the door and sliding out the sheet to inspect them. To her delight, they looked perfectly browned. She plated them, and stole one for herself first, just to check the quality, she mused to herself. It was as delicious as she'd been hoping, so she picked up the tray and took it to the recreation room.

Before she'd even entered, she called out, "All right, my boys, I've got cookies! You'd better appreciate all the hard work I did making these." She was barely in the doorway when a stray ping pong ball arched through the air, landing in one glass of milk and splashing her.

"Oi!" she yelled, glaring at the culprit, who happened to be her gobsmacked husband. The Doctor was congratulating Rory on that lucky shot, while he rushed over, apologizing and fishing out the ball.

Amy just glared at him, then nodded towards the glass, milk dripping down its side. "That glass is yours. I hope it tastes like plastic ping pong balls."

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