Jul 30, 2004 22:06
I'm back.. woo!! For the H.I.M fans hear "Endless Dark" over and over
and I know where I belong
away from your Gods
that heal all wounds and light
this endless dark
endless dark
this endless dark -- H.I.M.
* Sophie your baby is so cute :) From da machine hehe
I'm Back yay. Such fun has happened in life i'm afraid I would fill this livejournal up to the fullest but rather than boring you I will give you brief things. Let's start with the most recent
Universal Citywalk tonight, such a blast arcade games, went to the movies to see "the village" which was pretty scary actually. I ended up jumping 5 feet in the air which is surprising to me (when you see it you wont be as scared as me it was just scary to me some reason) Chilled with Sophie, Ariel, and there friends I also brought along Thomas (Most perverted man in the world) who brought the night into a intresting twist almost getting kicked in the nuts twice by Sophie (You go girl!) Derick came along to quiet Derick! You need to show off your hotness to the girls bro! That's not being gay it's me speaking the truth and even if it is considered gay i dont care in fact i think that world should be removed permantly because its patheticly overused in such stupid ways. Ariel was a blast such a cool person to hang out with so that of course she made my night. I like being friends with Sophie and Ariel there such awesome people and them getting criticize for being in highly gifted classes is such bull-shit. It's funny most of our conversations are online and today was really the first actual 1 on 1 conversation I've had with the two.
Other people i saw and hung out with, Taylor was there with Roxy but I didnt pay to much attention to Roxy due to the fact she umm scares me! Too goth for me but such a nice nice girl. Giorgia Rae was there with a guy named Matt who seemed to be a real cool guy but i didnt wanna bother them at all so i gave them as much space as i could but i often found myself asking others wheres Giorgia? But Matt was a cool guy, not very social but cool. Lauren was there with Sherimay and her friend who looked nice. She stole me from Ariel which wasn't cool and than she got angry at me because i refused to stay with her and i told her the truth "I rather hang out with Ariel!" she was so angry it sucks but thats life. I'm not forgetting anyone I dont think so thats a plus.
*Sigh* did i mention how nice it was?
North Hollywood High started eh such a drag these people are well most of them are just so confused and all they do is smoke smoke smoke. I'm not saying its bad but I hate the smell and i get sick to my stomach constantly having friends smoke in front of me (I do not smoke and never will try.) The punx hate me to the fullest but what do i care i'm tearing apart from there world anyway it's such a drag seeing them because i know there disgracing the punk rock world totally. Teachers are pretty nice except for 2, Mr. Williams who has a funny comb over that falls to his eyes, hes about 81. and Mr. Tah some indian who doesnt know English! He uses his hands to speak to us which further confuses us. Yikes. I doubt i will pass his class eh.
I've been listening to H.I.M as usual nothing changed much with music but personality and fashion has been a complete turn around. I try to stay punk with the hair you know? But i kill it with Abercombie shirts and shorts and when wearing the abercombie sweatshirt i kill it totally.
Much love and I'm recruiting new friends in a way since a lot abandoned me eh shucks but i dont blame em. love, ciao, peace, latez, laters, xxoo hugs and kisses - jxp joey.