Icon batch - part 1 + 2 lj banners

May 02, 2012 21:08

Since my computer is officially gone and, with it, all the Arashi, Kanjani and AKB images I had (THE AIBA AND KOJIYUU PHOTOSHOOTS T_____T), I decided to post at least the icons I succeeded to make with photoshop, because it has started the final rush, and I have to study a lot more than I have expected D: (I haven't even prepared material for the exam, I don't have clear ideas...fuck, this is going to be hard, it's only one month to go!) so I think I won't have the time to post them...When my computer will come back, I will try to make new Arashi and Kanjani icons, and finish the AKB batch D:
Also, the icons are not so pretty...I lost my creativity, if I ever had some D:
As I said in her lj, the (few, I'm truly sorry, I wish I could have made more and prettier) Tomochin icons are dedicated to rosa_elefante! Hope you will still like them!
Soo, another thing and I won't bother you, I promise: sorry for my bad English skills, but I've a very bad health (and bad mood) lately D: so I'm not capable to write something having a sense.

Friends/semifriends banners

56 AKB48 Icons (Random, Yuki Kashiwagi, Minami Takahashi, Mariko Shinoda, Tomomi Itano, Oshima Yuko)


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