Jul 14, 2006 13:39
Today secret cat food ended up on my not-secret-enough doorstep. The gesture was nice, but I haven't had by pretty pretty stray kitties for awhile (they lived at my old apartment). The good news is I may be able to attract new kitties now... yay.
OK, so the mystery person left me a longer note this time-- this time promising information in the near future... This is good, because I am perplexed. To them I say, I lose my apartment on Aug 10th and who knows where I'll wind up after that, so don't delay!
In other news, I am about to take Badger to the vet... she is breathing loudly, like a laughing monkey. Which is cute but not standard for a mouse. So bye bye cash.
So here's another thing.
Mockingbirds have been attacking me while I jog. It's terrifying. I've had to stop jogging during the day. And they only swoop at you from behind, so I have to constantly watch my back whenever I'm walking about, minding my own business.
If you see me on campus, I look like a crazy person.
And I've become super attuned to their presence. I spot every mockingbird around. I'll be teaching, and a mockingbird will fly by the window, and I'll yell and point.
I get very little respect.
Until next entry, ta ta.
I mean, bye.