Sep 25, 2003 17:17
I'm taking a class called "Listening..." it is a heaping steaming pile of this and that and I'm still having trouble with it...
Tomorrow i fly home for rosh hashana. I have to blow the Shofar fo... i think i've already said this... Anywho... The thing i was known for was holding out the final note really long, but a few days ago, my mom called me and told me the rabbi can hold the note out really long too, so i have some competition... That strikes me as odd... I shouldn't be competing with the rabbi on this, one of the holiest days on the Jewish calendar. Oh well.. off to more important things...
Joe bought me Godzilla vs. Mathra a few days ago on DVD.. I'm not a big fan of Godzilla, but it's Amy's favorite... So we will have to watch that some day
I'm bad at watching my DVDs... recently i bought Adaptation, Punch Drunk Love, and A Mighty Wind and i havent watched any of them. I do the same thing with bagels.
The Eagles lost their first two games.. they are not good anymore... damnit! They play the Bills this weekend... My predictions...
If i die in a plane crash, the eagles will win...
If i make it home safely, the eagles will lose, badly, to my utter dissapointment
And since im flying this weekend, it seems like a good, and morbid, idea to write out a will. To make this sound like a legal document, try reading it with a brittish accent... trust me, it works...
Me being of sound mind and body and having successfully moved my bowels recently, do declare this to be my final will and testement.. please disregard typos, they are not my will...
TO JOE i leave all of my instruments and all of my left shoes. I also will that he never clean the bathroom ever again. I also will that he make a suit out of my money and walk through the "happy" part of town with it on.
TO AMANDA i leave joe's blacklights and my computer. I will that you bury the dead joE next to kitty. Then i will that you take over JoE's bedroom and fill the apartment with Hobos.
TO AMY i leave whatever food i have left. And I will that you be a hermit.
TO JEFF i leave my socks and i will that you drive your car off a bridge and, surviving that, buy a car that is either blue or black, and not both..
In conclusion.. i hate this journal entry..