Jun 02, 2005 16:04
i feel like a big fat loser. i was off all week and managed to get absolutely nothing accomplished. i watched a few movies, ate an enormous amount of food and drank some beer. wow, good times. oh well, i guess that's what you're supposed to do when you're on "vacation" right? i'm just not used to it. i usually try to get as much done as possible when i'm off work. yeah, i suck.
i got a new phone today. ok, so i did one productive thing. it's awesome, but i've gotta get used to it. it has the coolest ring ever - freaks ashley the f out. it screams like some jedi fighters going craaaaaazy. it's wicked cool. people will stare at me almost as bad as when bonnie's phone rings :P just don't call me in the middle of the night - i might wet myself.