Jan 13, 2007 15:05
So there's some stuff that I do that I really really hate. I should probably stop doing it.
I hate when people (mainly Alli) hide stuff from me. If you cant trust your own freakin sister, who can you trust?
I really hate when people change themselves (all the way down to their cellphone ringtone) when they're around different groups of people.
I forgot how hard ballet is. I want need pointe shoes.
When people don't believe everything I say, it ticks me off. What would I lie about? Come on. Yes, I really did punch that kid in the face. Don't touch me. You're not my boyfriend.
When I want to cry like a baby for no reason other than me being a girl, ITS NORMAL, let me cry. Don't tell me to stop; I don't wanna hear it if you're all " I don't want to deal with this right now" . Something must be wrong if I'm crying.
Stuff that is supposed to happen now and doesn't it makes me freakin irritated. Why can't I just go now? Do I really need to wait a whole year?
And since when am I the "wet blanket" of the group? What the crap is that about?
Oh, and stop acting like my friend--I know that as soon as I get out of the car, you're crap-talking.
And when I know I'm supposed to do something in particular and Im unsure about stuff- IT DOESN'T HELP ME WITH MY INSECURITY TO TELL ME TO FINISH "MY NURSING DEGREE. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I'm completely aware that I'll make "better money" but honestly, God didn't say- "You're gonna be a nurse" oh no, he said "worship leader. I know they don't make that much money. ITS OKAY. Money really isn't that important. I don't want to hear what you have to say unless you're telling me you will help me buy a car.
Gay people really freak me out.