The Hoe Down in Holmdel

Jun 05, 2004 21:30

Hey Losers,

It's Jill and as a guest appearance, I also have...duh da da duh...BRANDON! He says the following, "I am honored to be a guest on this humble Live Journal page. The dingles are magnificent. Hope all in Dingle Kingdom are doing well. Jill's farts are the worst, (laugh)...FORCE, on the face of the universe. I think Matt Stone and Tre Parker should make an episode about my dingleberries. Those two guys make South Park by the way. I love my girlfriend. She is soooo beautiful and types very fast. That is all for my disjunct state of the Don address".
Well everyone, hopefully that was enlightening. I apologize to anyone who took offense. He is a rather rank boy. Anyhow, the day is rainy and cold. So far, we laid around, went to Toys R Us, Starbucks (as per usual), and Blockbust. We ate some sushi and now we are going to attempt to play DDR. Oh...and we also saw Spellbound. Awesome movie about those crazy spelling bee freaks. They probably wouldn't know the correct spelling of BADMITTON. Ha.
We also got some crazy movie about Elvis and a black JFK fighting zombies. That should prove to be horrible. Brandon is lucky that I let him pick movies sometimes.
Oh, I'm also laundering loads of Brandon's dirty and poop stained undies. I saw them, and almost had half a mind to smell them. One pair was exceptionally moist. That's not so good. I feel for his mother. Sweet lady. She has it very rough.

Brandon is a major turtle head. I'll be away for a few weeks. I want to have all of your babies.

God Bless
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