Mar 24, 2004 08:38
Last night was crazy. I was rushing out of work so bad to get to class that I was literally sweating. I was thinking of too much stuff that I had to accomplish. Luckily, I haven't fallen behind in school or work yet, but I'm stressing myself out! The whole sermon at ORB on Sunday was about not worrying or being anxious, because you can put all of your worries and cares in Jesus...and what will you get from taking one hour out of your life worrying? Just a heart attack I guess. Anyway, I left the sermon feeling completely stupid about having an anxiety attack on Saturday night (because of laser light bowling? I'm crazy), and then worrying about how to do all the things I have on my plate...and THEN, yesterday, it was all back again. I was sitting in American Literature, trying to think of thesis's for my paper thats due in 2 weeks, while doing my creative writing homework and somehow also thinking about how I was going to write a French composition by Thursday night and do 4 hours of work work when I got home at 10. It was not pretty. Somehow some voice in my head that I don't even recognize, is all like, "I think you should just get some low carb beer, take it home to relax and start working". And I'm thinking "Yeah, that sounds great". But the thing is...I can't even tell you the last time I've had a beer, high school maybe? 2) I don't like to drink. 3) What??? It was so wierd. Luckily I was too lazy to stop anywhere because it just would have been a waste of money and wasted calories, and overall dumb. Brandon told me to read the Bible, but I didn't...which is horrendous. I would have gotten side tracked and not gotten my work done so I turned on Star 99.1 thinking I could listen to some late night sermons while I was getting my work done. Want to know what the sermon was? NOT TO WORRY. It was the same exact, (well not word for word and with a different touch), message that Christian had given on Sunday. If thats not a sign, I don't know what is. So, I worked until 11-11:30, and I went to sleep. Today I feel calmer but I have a lot of praying to do. Was that really boring? I feel like it was. Oh, and I was really hungry, I almost ate Amanda, and my lady friend is taking over my body. (That part was for Shunji). God Bless