Apr 17, 2006 17:33
people are just too fuckign nosy
if some one doesnt feel like sharing their life story with you then dont pester them to open up to you
and i am not one to show my self to people
and if you tell someone u have feelings for them...then fuckign mean it ..dotn say it cuz you think it will make them happy.....ppl have to get hurt somtimes....its life....
and dont beg to hang out with me if all you rgonna do is beg for me to talk and insult me and shit ..cuz its not my idea of hanging out and havign a good time
id rather be sleeping....and not giving a shit about anyone....
its just time that ive changed
and stop caring about people...cuz ive had it...this shit is annoying...it rerally is..i havent typed in this thing for ever cuz of this...so ppl wouldnt like bother...and tehn they stopped so i was ok with it and then i just stopped alltogether and just read a coupel friends lj and so i figured hey wut the hell
and if i dont have a gf dont try and give me one...my mother bugs me all the time that im single...so what if i am w/e
and i dotn need "friends" to bother me about gettign one i just dont understand is all
ok im done takign up space in this useless peaice of shit w/e crap