i don't even know why i'm writing a post.

Apr 16, 2010 14:55

Okay so... I've been sick for a whole week now again.
I can't believe I'm sick this often... and this long!
Tests are filling up my schedule and I should start reading about stuff. But I have all books at mom's place so I'll start reading on sunday. That sounds good to me at least.

I went to stockholm tuesday-monday and had a blast. It was tough leaving though. Leaving your heart in Arlanda airport. But soon I shall meet my heart again. Hopefully to my birthday.

Speaking of birthday. It's soon coming up. May 14th. I'll become 18 and I guess that's the time when all epic stuff happens? Or something? I sure hope so. Otherwise I've been sitting here longing for.. nothing?
Naah. I think it'll be fun. I shall make it a fun day and a fun year. No more sickness after that!

And is it only me who always tell myself that "I should take school more seriously from now on" but never do it?
I always say it and takes out my japanese book or whatever and then after 2 sec I'm feeling bored and don't continue with my hw.
I should slap myself for being this lazy. But it's like. I don't feel like I'll become more happy by knowing more stuff. Isn't that what school is all about? Learning new stuff? But then again. We don't really learn new stuff. We learn old stuff. History and so on.
I don't find it interesting. WW2 is the only history test that I've got like... B on. I've never ever had higher grade than that. Well.. Except for music and japanese... but now I mean like 'real' classes. History, math, swedish, english and so on. Well B is not bad at all. That's not my point. But it feels like. I really don't care about learning in school. I'd rather learn new stuff by doing things. I don't really care about economy or polity. Even though it's probably important to know about.
I'm thinking of going to some person in my school to talk about how I feel and what I should do. Because I really dislike being in school. But most of all... I feel lonely.
I have people I talk to in school. But it's not more than that. I even talked to a friend about this.
But it's a thing I think people should notice. Because I do. If I haven't been with a friend outside school for a long long time. I always ask "do you wanna do something?" but I never get that question back.
Is it that hard to be with me? To talk to me?
I don't even care if we're 1000 people hanging out. I just want someone to ask me "Olivia. Do you wanna do something with me/me and blablablabla someday?"
Although I don't know why I bring this up while talking about school really X'D;
I don't make any sense XDD

So I'll just put this in. Because this is like... The prettiest picture I've seen for a looooooong time. I miss him~

Look at that hair. And look at the horse.
I really want to ride a horse again ;______;

Now I'm off to take a long shower. Because this cold I have is getting stupid.

I really hope that the volcano thingey won't mess up the heat like they said it will.
The sky is very blue :'D I think I'll go out watch it after the shower.

group: super junior, fandom: photoshoot, idol: sungmin, person: josephine, life: my life, life: people i miss

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