Hey, I've got nothing to do today but smile.

Nov 09, 2006 00:17

stolen from lorrible_frog

1: You can only use two words

2: No explanations!

Yourself: awkwardly charming

Your room: needs decorating

Your hair: needs cutting

Your mother: adorable, supportive

Your father: unusual, lovable

Your favorite item: laptop, car

Your dream last night: glass teeth

Your favorite drink: grapefruit juice

Your dream car: stair car!

The room you are in: living room

Your nose: too big

Your fear: being known

Where you want to be in 10 years: happily writing

Who you hung out with last night: Kathryn & Eamon

What you're not: insincere, graceful

Your best friend(s): can't choose

One of your wish list items: functioning pancreas

The last thing you did: saw Eamon

What you are wearing: hoodie, jeans

Your favorite weather: rainy, warm

Your favorite book: Harry Potter

The last thing you ate (drank): diet coke

Your life: consistently random

Your mood: serious, exhausted

Your body: too big

What are you thinking about right now: going home

What are you doing tomorrow: driving home

What are you doing at the moment: making decisions

Your fall schedule: killing me.

laurel, two words, meme

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