musesandlyrics | 5.3 Diana Quote

Jan 14, 2010 19:07

5.3. "Yes, I do touch. I believe that everyone needs that."
Diana, Princess of Wales

Co-written with chasemd | Afraid to Run 'verse

Peter rolled over, his arm hitting a warm body. It took his mind a moment as it started to wake up to realise he wasn't alone, and he wasn't actually in his own bed. He was back in Princeton after making the drive again when he found out he and Chase's days off matched. They were just going to hang out, but soon they had found themselves caught in a hungry embrace, and getting hot and heated on the sofa. Things were moved into the bedroom, the two of them only stopping briefly to eat, or snooze between rounds. Peter actually couldn't remember the last time he'd spend all night having unbelievably hot sex, and he didn't really care to.

Things with Chase didn't need to be analysed. He was happy just to enjoy them, even if he wasn't entirely sure they were dating, or not. This was only their second time in bed, but he was already starting to get an appetite for it.

He moved, hand rubbing against Chase's side as he pressed a kiss against the other man's throat. His body was starting to stir, the blood flow rushing south as it usually did in the morning, and he indulged in a brief moment of rubbing himself up against Chase with a soft groan. God, Chase's body felt good up against his. He'd be happy to spend another day not moving from the bed, but eventually he'd have to go back to New York.

After Cameron walked out of his life and Peter walked in, Chase had been making a concerted effort to try and not analyse anything either. It was healthier for his head that way, taking each day as it came and just focusing on his job and this new... thing with Peter. They had been good mates until it accidentally turned into something else one night. Chase didn't feel guilty. If there was a slight hint of it, he didn't let himself linger on it. It was time for a fresh start, and with that, he even decided to head out and get his hair cut. He was passing the hairdressers one day and just walked in and did it without thinking much. Bloody House joking that Cameron got his hair in the divorce was slightly irritating, but for House, 'slightly irritating' was nothing and Chase offered nothing more than a glare in return. That was how he and House operated. It was where Chase was the most comfortable, and he realised recently, where he was most happy. He loved Diagnostics. He had spent the last three years fooling himself about that, and fooling himself that everything was going to be peachy with Cameron. Maybe now, he was where he was supposed to be.

He cracked his eyes open a little with a small grunt at being woken. It took him a couple of moments to get his bearings too. "Hm, 'lo," he greeted Peter sleepily, grabbing his hand and melting back into the embrace they had. This whole thing was going to be interesting. No one at PPTH - save for Wilson - knew Chase was bisexual. Cameron hadn't even known, and now here he was sharing his bed with a guy. For some reason, Chase couldn't really be all that bothered by the turn of events.

"Hey," Peter croaked, his throat a little tender from head. Not that he minded. Fuck, he'd go down on Chase every hour, on the hour if he could. He nuzzled into the crook of Chase's neck, and breathed in deep, memorising the doctor's scent. His brother had always known he was bisexual, but Peter hadn't shared it with anyone else. Even his mother. Who would have known what the Petrelli matriarch would have done with that little nugget? She had always hated the fact he'd been a nurse, a male nurse liking boys would have given her a heart attack. Only he wasn't ashamed of it, not really. Peter had always just tried to be a private person. Heaven forbid he did anything to mess up his brother's political career. He was already the little brother with the drug habit thanks to Nathan's lie at one of his campaign parties. "S'nice," he added in a murmur a long moment later.

Chase gave a slight nod, reluctant to move much. With their recent case signed off, he had the day off again and it was tempting really not to move. "Tis," he agreed, his face still squished against the pillow. He missed this feeling of being tangled up with someone and pretending the rest of the world didn't exist beyond the borders of the bedroom. He couldn't remember the last time he did this with Cameron. There was always something else to do. He cleared his throat and wet his lips, intending to make an attempt to move, but just remained in the same position and pulled Peter's arm more securely around him. "M'thinking of redecorating... or moving," he admitted, opening his eyes again to glance at Peter.

Peter moved his head to look back at Chase, his eyebrows raised a little. "Yeah? Why's..." He shut his mouth as he made a noise. "It's hers. Can't really blame you. Need to be somewhere comfortable." Peter smirked a little, sliding his leg between Chase's as he rubbed himself against him again. "M'already somewhere comfortable, so don't get another bed. Can just get new sheets."

Chase scrunched his nose up with a small snort. "It's all hers. She picked all this, I just went along with it. I'm realising now how much it's not me. There's too much... floral and... ruffles. I'm starting to feel like I should be throwing tea parties and using doilies. The bed is actually mine. Just tainted with feminism." He groaned softly and pushed his fingers through his freshly cropped hair. "I don't want to move today. I'm a lazy bastard, but I don't care."

Peter chuckled low in his throat and propped himself up on his hand as he braced his elbow against the pillow to look at Chase. "I thought there was something off about the place, but I didn't want to say. I mean, you might have been a doilie guy as well as a Superman boxers guy. I'm glad you're not, just between you and me." His arm squeezed Chase lightly, and he smiled. "Have I mentioned how much I like your hair? It's a good change. As for being a lazy bastard, I don't blame you. I'm not looking forward to moving."

Chase nodded. "We were only married three months, believe it or not. Before that... I'd only been living with her, what, three months at the most. We were only engaged a month before we got married. I know... I know. You don't need to react to that. It was stupid. I can see how fucking stupid it was now. I figured after she strung me along for so long, it was like ripping a band-aid off. That things would get happier, you know?" He snorted softly again. "But without all that, I wouldn't have been pissed and nearly killed myself in New York, or here right now."

"Everything happens for a reason," Peter murmured. He dipped his head to kiss Chase, letting it linger for a moment. "I wish I could say I want things to have been different for you, but I don't. If it had never happened we probably never would have met, and that would just be a crying shame. You've reminded me what I like about being with a guy, and just how good sex is. If it's alright with you, I'm totally okay with fucking every last trace of her out of you. Repeatedly."

Chase smirked a little. "I appreciate it, love. I'm putting it all down to a learning experience, and now I know to never, ever fucking make the same mistakes in my life again. I've learnt if a relationship sucks from the start, it really isn't going to get better, and that there is no reason I need to just settle because of my own insecurities. Look, I'm my own shrink. Who needs to pay three hundred bucks an hour for one?" He laughed and looked at Peter in amusement, eyebrow raised. "Ever been with a guy for longer than a few nights here and there?" he asked.

Peter grinned a little at hearing the pet name, not even minding Chase using it. "You're welcome. And hey, it's important to look at what you can learn from something. It's easy to get caught up in the emotional side, but if we can't take something away from the shit, then it really is just tragedy. Also, the relationship sucking thing is a very, very important lesson. You definitely need to be paying for a shrink. I'm very impressed. Most people can't even help others with problems, let alone solve their own." Peter's smile turned crooked, and he arched his own eyebrow. "Yeah, I have. A couple months actually. It was a long time ago, and it hasn't really happened since. In the end the same thing happens that always happens... He, ah, died in a car crash. Was coming back from a college party out at some secret location. I hadn't gone because I was studying for a test the next day. I didn't even find out until someone asked me about it a couple days later. I just assumed he'd hibernated from a hangover."

Chase turned so he could see Peter's face better, a small frown on his face now. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I can't even imagine how that must have been, especially in college. You tend to deal with a lot of shit going on in college. Is that why you didn't hook up with anymore blokes? You have mentioned a few things with females. I do remember, see?" he added with a small smile, though he was watching Peter closely to make sure he was okay.

"Yeah, I see," Peter replied. He moved his arm from around Chase's waist, and reached up to touch his fingers to the short strands of hair. "I think it just started a trend. Nothing's ever lasted long for me. Everytime I feel really close to someone, something just happens to them. And I'm not saying it's me. I mean, what kind of bullshit theory would that be? I'm just... cautious. Doesn't matter if they're a guy, or girl. It's not really why I hooked up with anymore blokes, but it was probably a subconscious thing. I just waited until I felt something strong with someone..." He shrugged his shoulder. "I don't know. My love life is just... sporadic."

Chase enjoyed the touches, letting his eyes fall closed with a small smirk. "My boss asked if my ex got my hair in the divorce. Bastard," he said, enjoying the fact they had just melted back into the easy embrace again without much thought. "Your Mum and your brother," he guessed. "It had to have been a thought in your mind to come out when he was in such a public place and your Mum wanting everything pristine and perfect. But I get it, I do. Same with my Dad. He knew, but he pretended it didn't exist. Told me I would grow out of the phase. And they wonder why I moved to England to join the Seminary."

Peter smirked. "Well, it is just a little bit funny. At least she didn't get the bed." Peter's head came to rest back on the pillow and he sighed. "You already know my family so well. I hope you don't think I'm ashamed of you when I say I'm planning on at least keeping you away from my mother for as long as I can. But you're right. That was something in the back of my mind. I'm still trying to imagine you in the Seminary. This would never have happened if you were still there, and a priest."

"I fucking love this bed. No way was she getting it. I don't even know what she's going to want to take in the divorce. She left with one suitcase and a few things in the back of her car. To be honest, she can have it all. I don't need any of it. Most of the newer stuff around the place are wedding gifts, and I'm not all that attached to any of it. I'd gladly go back to how I was before I moved in. At least I mostly knew who I was then," Chase said, only realising the words were true as they came out of his mouth. "That's okay, I really don't want to meet her, and I hope that's not offensive to you. I'd probably say something you would regret even putting me in her presence. Aussies aren't exactly backwards in coming forwards and we can be quite... dry. This is true, and ironically, the guy I killed put it well. He said that priests are good people, but when his two sisters were dying, it wasn't more priests he wanted." He shook his head, falling silent and realising he hated that Dibala was right about something.

Peter watched Chase quietly, and kissed his shoulder. "I can understand his point. And even the cruelest of people can make good points. Like my mother. She can be a real bitch, but she has made a couple of good points in her life. And occasionally comes through. I'm actually struggling to remember anything she said with priests, although she did make a comment that she liked it when we went to church as a family."

"I think I liked sex too much to become a priest," Chase joked, letting his hands trail down Peter's back. "Was that all you did as a family? I'm only asking because it was about all we did as a family for years. Dad was always busy, it was Mum and me mostly. Dad being busy fucking around on her, I later discovered. It makes me wonder if sometimes some parents should get an expiry date. They give birth to you, raise you, then before they can fuck you over, get replaced with pod people who actually give a shit."

Peter hummed with contentment. "I'm certainly not complaining about that. Definitely my gain," he added with a smirk. "Yeah, pretty much. Aside from host social gatherings for the rich and petty. I know I shouldn't complain about being brought up in a well off family, but the song's right. Money can't buy me love. Nathan and me were always close, but me and my parents? Not so much. Things weren't always great, and they definitely dipped once Dad died. I really could have used pod people parents. Makes me wonder what things would have been like."

Chase nodded. "Yeah, I really wouldn't be who I am today, that's for sure. I doubt I would be in America, either. I came here to piss my father off, it was just lucky I got the awesome opportunity to go with it. He tried to call all the shots with my career, and initially I let him do it. I let him waver me on what speciality I wanted to do, I let him pull strings for my internship. I hated every minute of it, but I let him because I figured he was at least interested in something I was doing. It wasn't that, though. He just wanted to keep me under the thumb so I wasn't running around tainting his name. Like your brother being a politician, my father was an internationally known physician. He wanted me to be a carbon copy of him. It sucked, just made me want to do my own thing even more."

"Maybe that's one good thing our parents did give us... A strong sense of wanting to do our own thing." Peter's hand brushed down Chase's side, and he rubbed it against the curve of Chase's ass. "I know both of our childhoods sucked, but I'm glad we found our way here. To whatever this is anyway," he chuckled. "I'm not trying to put a name to it yet since I'm happy just to roll with it. Naming things might lead to trouble, anyway. I missed you while I was back in New York. Most of the time I actually can't stop thinking about you."

Chased laughed and nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right there. Not when labels like ex-wife and divorce and murderer are hanging over my head," he said with a small, tired groan. "I remember when life was easy, no complications. I was free and innocent. Now it's like I hibernated for a few months, then woke up in a gigantic Truman Show where some higher power has completely screwed my Atlantis up, only, I know I did that all on my own. The only difference is having met you. You gave me something to actually see at the end of the tunnel of shit, something that I've really been enjoying and made me feel less like the toe fungus of humanity." He smiled, looking over Peter's face. "I missed you too."

Peter licked his lips as he smirked. "You know, you're a really sexy toe fungus of humanity. Just saying." He caught Chase's lips in a kiss, this one a little rougher than the one he stole earlier. "Gotta admit I like this waking up next to you thing."

Chase laughed against Peter's lips before kissing him back, letting it linger. He had absolutely no argument with the comment. Well, the second comment at least. "Shame you work in New York. I could get used to this," he agreed softly before picking the kiss back up where it left off.

"Real shame," Peter admitted. He moved them, placing himself a little more on top as his hands rest on either side of Chase. His tongue pushed into the heated cavern of Chase's mouth, and he started explore the depths. "We'll just have to make good use of the time we do have."

"Sounds like a plan," Chase agreed and matched Peter's actions with the same eagerness. He liked that the other guy made him stop thinking, and after all the thinking he had done lately, he couldn't deny this just felt... right.

Words: 3064

[verse] afraid to run, [comm] musesandlyrics, [ship] chase/peter, [co-written] chasemd

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