Oct 07, 2004 20:38
i still can't believe that summer is long gone and school is here for a loooong time. i hat school, because with school comes:
stress (A LOT OF IT!)
homework (which sucks and adds to the stressed)
not being able to hang out with friends outside of school
getting up early in the mornings
and actually thinking and using your brain, which isn't that much fun
but overall the stress outdoes everyting and causes anxiety which needs to go away NOW.
i can't believe that homecoming is actually almost here....sooo much going on with that tooo. geeeez.
blue flowy kinda dress that comes to about my knees (it's kinda tight at the top and then once it gets to the waist it flows)
black dress tube dress with like an underlayer of pink, which also comes to about my knees
which to wear to homecoming????? I need help!
i hope that this weekends fun. almost anything is better than school, so it doesn't have high expectations.