Event - Reading - Running Event

Jun 15, 2004 22:25

I've written eight pages of something.

Somebody has to read Germinal. It looks like it might be hard to read, but it's still a pretty conventional story, so I can't hope for any ghost/trance/dream Post-Modern rambles. Not that that would be much of a problem, since I seem to have gotten in the habit of writing down my dreams. I almost want to hold back on reading anything in a while, since my dreams only seem to be getting more academic and tedious.

I ran this afternoon so I would have an excuse not to run the Twinkie, that event where everyone starts at different times so they can finish all together. I went anyway for lack of anything better to do (and also because there was a potluck (and because nobody at this house was planning on making dinner)). I worried about all the over-gregarious runners high on endorphins, and that random people would ask me why I wasn't running, which they did.

"Why aren't you running."

"I just ran this afternoon. Why aren't you running?"

"Well...I just ran last Saturday."

I almost laughed at the man who told me this, since there's something suspicious about only running once or twice a week, and also because he seemed uncomfortable, even if he had no problem asking me why I wasn't participating.

I also talked to someone from New York who made a good case for me to go to Columbia, or Cooper Union, or even Vassar (they automatically said 'safety school' after they mentioned that). I'm just not sure if I'm cool enough to live in the Village, North Manhattan, or Poughkeepsie, either.
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