Oct 16, 2005 22:52
Well, yesterday I had to go babysitting down the street. Me and the girls watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. That lasted until 9, way past their bed time. Once I got them to bed I popped in Amityville Horror. It was really scary, and I'm never scared. Of course everything was dark and they have these huge windows where you can't see outside, but you can see inside. I didn't finish it so when I came home I watched the rest. I thought I left my money in the car, but it turns out my Mom found it on the groud next to my car. Woops! So, today I woke up really late cause I was really tired. I took a shower and then I had to do some homework. I still didn't do my chores yet though! Hmmm maybe my Mom will foreget about it. Then, once it got dark, we went to Greenfield Village with my Aunt and Uncle so Mathilde could experience some Halloween stuff. It was fun, but really cold. Those Pirates were hitting on us. So, now I'm at home and I still have some homework left. Sigh, so tired! Alrighty then, got to hop to it! Hope you guys had a fun weekend!