Mar 31, 2007 23:50
ive seen into the woods now two times, and im going back again today with my family.
im going to go crazy by the end of the night..i always have the stupid songs stuck in my head (well, they arent stupid..but when youre singing them at 2am at night while trying to go to sleep..they pretty much suck)
were leaving for the beach tomorrow, and ive gone from SO EXCITED to very worried. Grey hurt his he doesnt know if he can go. And he is going to the doctor tomorrow morning (as in the morning of the day we are leaving) to find out if he can go or not. and its really weird because i feel like the three of us are a kind of akward combination without grey..but oh well it will still be fun. i just hope he can go for real
im ready to go to the beach!!! i hate it here in the mactown. i really do wish i was in into the woods, or backstage, or something. it looks like so much fun and i wish i was in it. oh well oh well