Counting down the days....

Jun 25, 2016 05:36

It's hard to believe that in less than 2 weeks I will be seeing these 2 adorable guys at PittCon......


I haven't been to a con since VanCon last year, so I am super excited and yet a little sad. The couple of friends who were going to go with me have both backed out and I am now going by myself..... (anyone wanna come hang out?)

However; I am super excited that after that it is less than 2 months away that I will be in Vancouver with metallidean_grl enjoying the sites yet again in that beautiful city where our boys live and work.
(and of course oogling "Dean Winchester)

As much as I am super excited to be going to VanCon again this year, I think I am more excited to be able to spend a week with my bestie without any worries of regular life butting in. It's kind of like our break from reality, which I think we are both needing right now!!
(counting down the days Evelyn!!)

(well I guess I should get back to work, since I am at work LOL!, talk to all of you later!)

jensen ackles, at the whim of the winds photography, dean winchester

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