Feb 09, 2004 22:55
Things are going very well for me right now. I'm just so happy. I'm sure everyone has those moments where they are just extremely happy and floating on a cloud. That's me right about now.
It's nothing specific. There's no one defining moment that has made me happy.
Work is going well. I'm dating a great guy and things are going really well for us right now.
Mardi Gras is in a few weeks. If you've never been it's really something you should do once. Once is more than enough. Itr's wild and crazy and if you're in the mood for a huge party, it's definetly for you. For the rest of us nerds that are over the big parties and senseless drinking and tits, it's a little much. Especially living here. It's so different when you actually live in the middle of it all. It's a hassle. It's just something that gets in the way.
Hope everyone is having a good start to the week. Have a good one