Aug 15, 2008 06:10
So my baby shower is in 2 weeks. I'm SO excited!! My mum and my cousin Elena have been planning it, and I must say they've done a great job. We're having it at a cece's pizza (so I can have my mac and cheese pizza) and they've handled everything. Decorations, food, cake, invites, RSVP's,.. all of that. I am so thankful. I could NEVER have handled all that stress. I'm horrible at planning things anyways. I cant wait to see everyone.. and I'll admit, I'm super excited to get a bunch of baby stuff!!
My dad told me he was buying the crib about a month ago, before he even knew about the babyshower. Its a gorgeous cherry sleigh style crib from Walmart that changes into a toddler bed as well. On top of that, my mom just told me yesterday that she's going to buy us the rest of the set I found at the store! So we'll have all the pieces and they'll all match.. oh geebus I'm so excited and so grateful! David's mom said she's getting us a stroller.. Without them, I dont know what we'd do, because I know we couldnt have afforded everything by ourselves.
Then the other day, David came home with GREAT news. HE GOT A RAISE!! a whole buck more an hour! I'm so proud of him. He's worked so hard at this job, and he really wants to move up in the company so he's been trying to prove that he's worth spending the time on to them. They waited FOREVER to finally give this to him though. They pulled him in for a performance eval (first ever the whole year he's been working there) and told him that he's a great worker and the only thing thats wrong is his attendance, but its only been recently and that they understand because of the pregnancy. They really really like him there and they're finally realizing that he's one of their greatest assets. I'm so proud. He works so damned hard every day and he's finally getting something to show for it. He's got a little bounce in his step now. ^_^
I also talked to my doc the other day. I asked her about induction and how long she waits after a due date. She told me that she will strip my membranes (help make it easier for me to go into labor) at either 37 or 38 weeks, depending on how far along I am. After that, I could go into labor at any time, and it makes it that much easier for my water to break! She also said she wont go more than a week overdue, because she doesnt want to make my pregnancy high-risk as everything has been dead on perfect thus far. I've only gained a total of 8 lbs, so I'm hoping that afterwards with breastfeeding (as you burn 500 more cals a day) that I'll lose a little extra weight as well. I'm hoping to lose about 50 as I'm up to about 200 now (eek! freshman 15 my ass!) and I'm so excited for this pregnancy to be over with. I cant wait to meet my lil guy. David is just as excited as I am, but as the day comes closer, he seems to be getting more and more nervous about labor and delivery lol! Its cute, he keeps asking me not to do things that he reads about in books. He also cant decide if he wants to cut the cord or not. Originally he said he would as long as I didnt have to have a c-sec, but now he's a little sqeamish. I think when it comes down to the moment however, that he's really going to want to, so I'm not too worried. I just know that if he doesnt he may regret it later on. Ah, que sera.
Hope all is well with the rest of the world.