What happened?!?!?!

Aug 13, 2004 23:20


I don't know where the summer has gone, and I just realized that I haven't updated my LJ in like 4ever! Sry folks! Neways...

2 sum up the horribleness... This summer sucked for me :(  Maybe it was me wanting everything to stay the way things were, or my lack of excitement to spend time w. everyone after being home for nearly a month (in the beginning), or maybe it was my dismal attitude towards my friends for growing apart from me.

All in all... I have to say that this summer has taught me alot. I learned that no1 can truely be happy, esp. me. That ignoring ppl. or what's going on is ultimately the BEST thing to do, and not involving yourself in the depth of ppls. lives should be done.

However, I would like to say that I am truely sorry if you have been offended by me this summer. I sometimes do not think before I speack or act, which has been a problem my entire life. Maybe it's my need for attention, or my lack of parenting for most of my childhood. I know I am opening myself up for questioning or criticism, but I really don't care. I would really just like to thank everyone for helping me be who I am, good or bad.

*Please remember that no1 is perfect, we all have our imperfections, but we all learn from those imperfections.*

*There are places I remember all my life, tho some have changed...not for better...some are gone...yet some remain...I know I'll stop and think about them...all my life...I've loved you more...*

Thank you Nora & Gail for a great summer :) I love you girls!

Thank you Aly, Marcie, Duffy for always making me laugh! I can't wait for Keene...14 days!

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