Now I could not find the code for this, so I just copy/paste but I will put the link down on the bottom so if any of you want to take it :)
What Song Fits Your Mood
Created by IceToFire13
Tagged:music, personality, your, songs, bands, now, mood, fits
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Take another quiz! The Phrase That Pays
Your Mood Song: The Phrase That Pays by The Academy Is… Change your mood song: Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars There’s no avoiding this mood for an entire life time. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re jealous. This is an emotion that generally everybody hates. Either that or you’re too absorbed in the emotion to notice it and feel a hate that’s not for the person. An idea to make you feel better is to go into your room and count all the things that you have. Then, make a list of all your family members and things they’ve done to make you smile. I bet jealousy will have gone into hibernation by the time you’re done. Explanation 1: It’s hard to find a jealous song! This is a bad pick, I know. But from my iPod, it’s probably the best choice. It’ll definitely flare your emotions. Explanation 2: There’s not a thing that I would change. ‘Cuz you’re amazing, just the way you are. It really is true. You have everything you need; you don’t need something else to be perfect. And whether you believe it or not, someone would sing this song to you and mean every word of it.