Kissing Arizona Robbins is the most electrifying, erotic, sensual thing I have ever experienced. In high school I never fully understood when all the girls in my year would go on about making out with their boyfriend for hours. Admittedly a lot of that had to do with the fact that I never really received much attention from my male
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and now you are very very very loved! like you are seriously up there with sara and jessica because i am in love with this story and you just happen to be the lucky person who is writting it. again oh my god.
As for leaving it out on purpose, I would so never do that. No matter how much I enjoy torture ;)
and yes up there because you are awesome! and yea that made sense, its acually something i would say but no one would get. i really cant bealive that i am the only one who has commented on this so far, i sooo dont see how becasue as much as i love allll calzone fanfic, this beats them all by like continents, if that makes sense. its like up in north amarica and everything else is in austraila =D
could you at least make it Antarctica. It's cold there not hot ;)
thank you though, as for comments it did only
just go up. It takes time for people to read it and considering the amazing response on this fic I'm sure there will be more replies soon enough *crosses fingers*
ahhh i guess, oh i could sooooo see the penguins indulging on my calzone fics baha!
true but seriously! i have never been the first to comment seriously someone always beats me by a minute or a second or something!
oh and down under is always a good thing =9
at least I'm glad that my fanfic is living where it is loved :)
hmmmmm i had a picture of penguins all sitting around with labtops reading them!
trust me your mind weirdness (if that makes any sense whatsoever) is good! mine is too, if you couldnt tell from the penguins with labtops.
So do you think we could make money off those laptop using penguins? I mean there has to be a money making scheme in there somewhere.
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