halfway nearing the end of "a Feast for Crows" - well, at least 10 chapter more. This book didn't have my favorites characters (Tyrion, Bran, very little Arya, and Jon Snow), so I determined to finish this ASAP. Despite the missing favorites, several plot untangle here (read: Petyr; and the dagger). Hmmm, I suspect that Ned dies because of the 'help' that Petyr provide here for Joff (Ned dies = catelyn free), only the train goes derailed.
right, right. I also had several new favorites like Ser Davos Seaworth and Brienne of Tarth. Davos didn't show up, but Brienne did, so it's quite okay. In this book, we also have a glimpse inside Cersei's mind whom looks as paranoid as it looks from outside (I like Tyrion, so it's a given that I dislike Cersei). Jaime also stars several chapters here, and if he wasn't flinging Bran from the tower, he was actually quite okay (but he flings Bran, so he's not. Screw you. Period)
Also........this Rhaegar........suddenly, seems not as bad guy as Robert frothed about. Everyone seems to like him, except Robert it seems. I don't know, I need to read more.
Other things: Sandor seems a rather softie (different from the foragers and 'broken men' - he seems doesn't harass the smallfolk much. Like when they crossed the Trident, he indeed give payment (with papers no less), but he doesn't kill the boat's owner; and he saves Arya when she tried to go to Red Wedding (okay, so he kind of wanting to ransom, but hey, that's still a good reason comparing to 'okay, i'll just let you die here kiddo'). Here's hoping he's alive and really that gravedigger on that little island (yes, tvtropes kinda ruined the spoiler for me)
also spoiler ruin: Catelyn = Lady Stoneheart. I managed to read end of book three and surprised out of my wits (I kind of thinking maybe she can be saved if Nymeria managed to pull her out of the river, but wolf having a more keener sense, and if the wolf said dead is dead, who are we to disagree? Correct Answer is: People! dammit people always ruins everything! also kinda wanting to see what will Petyr and Catelyn reunion will be. Hah let's see how your only love says about that Petyr!)
I missed the direwolves ;__;