What a Mistake!

May 11, 2010 09:55

Firstly, I don't have credit for this photo, so whoever have this, please claim it.

I don't know if you guy already know this (i know this photo is from like millions time ago), but i want to share anyway...
You know, it does seem obvious...
The photo above is photo of a Japanese magazine's page...

There are some mistakes in that page:
1. Name beneath Minnie's photo is Eeteuk
2. Name beneath Kyu's photo is Yesung
3. Name beneath Teukie's photo is Siwon
4. Name beneath Wookie's photo is Kyuhyun
5. Name beside Siwon's photo is Ryeowook
6. There are 2 photos of Kibum, and
7. There is no photo of Yesung
8. Name above one of Kibum's photo is Sungmin

First time when I realize the mistake, I read it again, in case I read it wrong... but the one in the wrong is not me!
It's so... I don't have right word to explain because... IT'S A MAGAZINE! Didn't they check it first?

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