Love story that has no title - Chapter 2

Aug 15, 2011 15:44

Pairing: Haehyuk
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU!School, Romance, Fluff
Warning: Random plot, homophobic, foul language, slight OOC
Disclaimer: I owned Hyukjae and Donghae. Sue me.
Claimer: My fic that I wrote with effort.
Summary: Hyukjae is in love with Donghae. But not really.
Ime’s note: Nothing much :3
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1

“You’re coming right?” Kyuhyun says over the phone. He’s been upset all morning because Sungmin is angry at him for no reason. There’s a reason actually, Kyuhyun just doesn’t know it and Hyukjae had no intention to let him know. So he’s been spending all the afternoon in front of his computer doing… whatever he do and decided it’s time for disturbing Hyukjae.

“I’m going out, Kyu, you should ask Sungmin,”

“The hell like I would! And don’t you dare to hang on me, Hyukjae, you promised!”

“I’m not going to your place when your folks are out! God know what you’re doing on your basement… and beside you ain’t more important than my date,”

A second silent then Kyuhyun back on the line with complete different tone, “You’re going on date?” He seems genuinely surprise, which makes Hyukjae wonder why. It’s not like the first date he ever did or what. “With Siwon?”

Hyukjae is close to bang his head on the mirror that he’s staring, “No,” he says through gritted teeth. “With Hyo,”

“You’re serious about that girl? You’re not just afraid of his brother, do you?”

Hyukjae pouts even if he knows Kyuhyun can’t see it, “It just a date!”

He can sense Kyuhyun rolls his eyes over the phone, “It’s always ‘just a date’, then on Monday there will be a girl tailing you all day in school,”

“I’m not always like that,” Hyukjae mumbles, knew that his defense is not convincing (even for him self).

Kyuhyun snickers, “Yeah right! You shouldn’t always say yes every time someone asks you to a relationship! There’s no point if you do it. Anyway… I wonder if you’ll say yes if Siwon is the one who ask you,”

“What?” Hyukjae irritated even more, “Yah, enough mocking me about Siwon. It’s not even funny! He’s a guy for goddess sake!”

“So what if he’s less tilt and more dick? Are you homophobic all of a sudden?”

“Wait, so you okay if your partner is a male?” Hyukjae is not really expected it.

“Well, I don’t know, maybe… Hey! Don’t change the topic! We’re talking about you here!”

“Yeah, good luck talking to your self then, I’m hanging up,”

When he pulls off his phone from his ear, he can still hear Kyuhyun voice in distant. Not that he care, so he pushes the red button. He’s going to be late and it’s all Kyuhyun’s fault.

He texts Sungmin (“Kyuhyun said he’s okay with dick on his partner”) then continuing his effort to manage his hair. His hair got longer and he’s thinking about cut it. He takes his wallet and phone before he starts daydreaming in front of the mirror and head out of his room and to the kitchen.

Something sweet is smelled from the kitchen. When he enters it, his mama looking up from what she was doing and gives him appreciative look.

“You look good on that shirt,” his mama comments.

It was his V-neck white shirt that actually very ordinary, but everybody always said it look good on him.

“What are you making?” Hyukjae smiles, slightly regret he had to going out.


“I want cookies~” he whines childishly.

“You can have them as much as you want later,” his mama says sternly. As if she knows Hyukjae will steal some of her dough.

“Fine,” Hyukjae pouts but obey nonetheless, “Can I borrow your car?”

“You’re going out?” his mama concentrating on her cookie’s dough, she doesn’t even look up.

“Hm-hm,” after a brief gaze at the dough on the counter he continues, “with Hyo,”

His mama jolted up, she has disbelieve stare on his eyes. She then frowns.

“What?” Hyukjae says a little offended. He feels like the scolding is in the way out of his mama’s mouth.

“Nothing,” She says, a little bit to fast, but she quickly composed her self, “You’re big boy. You can decide on your own,” then she’s back on doing her dough.

“But?” Hyukjae prompts, challenging his mama.

“But, Kim Hyoyeon is a sweet girl. I know her and his brother since little kids and you know their parents were my friends.” She says indifferent.

“And?” Hyukjae feels like a little brat.

“And,” She looks up and seriously says, “Don’t do anything you would regret, Hyukjae. I know your nature with girls and if you will end up broke her hearth better not start anything at all from the beginning,” which is true. Hyukjae just haven’t thought that far.

“I’m not gonna break her hearth, we don’t even do anything yet,” He says, not even convincing enough in his ears.

“You’ll, eventually.” She sighs and her eyes soften, “Listen, boy. I will just ask you for once. If you doesn’t sure about her, please say no. It will do both of you good.”

On the way to Hyo’s home, Hyukjae’s thinking over what his mama says. She was right. Hyoyeon is a sweet girl, a little snarky but kind. Hyukjae didn’t spend his childhood with her but he used to come to their home once the still had parents. And Hyukjae just can’t treat her like any other girl. Like what his mama said, he should say no to her if he doesn’t sure about her.

The thing is, he hasn’t makes any decision yet. She’s been after him for a few past months and she made sure Hyukjae understand what is her intention. Hyukjae has nothing against her too which is why he’s kinda hard to say no.

So he dials his hyung’s number. Even if Sungmin is a little bit delinquent, Hyukjae still can depends on him much or less. Well, mocking is inevitable but at least Sungmin sometime came with solution.

“What do you mean by ‘Kyuhyun okay with dick on his partner’?” Sungmin confront him as soon as he picks the call.

Hyukjae groans, he forgot about that, “Can we put that matter aside for a moment? I had life and death issue to take care of here,”

“You failed your Math test?” Hyukjae can hear the teasing in his voice, but he ignores it.

“No, it’s Hyoyeon,”

“What about her?” Sungmin says, not sounds interested.

“My mama says something,”

Hyukjae hears something suspiciously sounds like a squeak, “What did she say? Did your mama ask you to marry her?”

“You kidding right? No, of course not,” Hyukjae pouts in annoyance, “She just said that I should step back before anything happen, Y’know, she positive about me going to hurt her eventually,”

“I don’t remember she even care about your date, Hyukjae, so why now?” Sungmin sounds curious.

“She kinda knew them,”

“Them? She and her brother? If your mama involved her self in this, this must be big, Hyukjae. You should listen to her,”

“Yeah, I’m about to. The problem is I haven’t decided about Hyo. Y’know me, hyung. I would avoid having to say no if I can. But it seems if I say yes to her then it’ll come big responsibility behind…”

“You don’t like her?”

“No, not that I not like her…”

“But you don’t love her either?” Sungmin continues with his own wording.

“What's with love? Geezh, you still using that word?” Hyukjae rolls his eyes.

“Instead of me being sappy to use that word, you should stop being skeptical about it Hyuk,”

“Thank you very much, that very helping, hyung,” Hyukjae pulls over his mama car and shuts off the engine. But he doesn’t get out yet, “Beside, relationship isn’t always about love,”

“Here we go, your logic,” Sungmin rolls his eyes so hard Hyukjae can hear it over the phone. “Then what make relationship work for you?”

“Um…,” Hyukjae give it a thought, “compromise?” Sungmin laughs in disbelieve. “What? Things isn’t always ideal in real world, hyung, we ain’t in some movie or fiction so we can skip the cliché parts.”

“But Hyukjae, the last time you compromised with that girl-who was her name?”


“Gina. You still end your relationship! So where was this compromise theory gone?”

“The compromise had to be mutual. I was the only one compromising with her! She was too demanding, hyung. I didn’t comfortable around her,”

“Are you comfortable with Hyoyeon?”

“That… I don’t know yet,” Hyukjae admits.

“What did you mean? Aren’t you childhood friend with her?”

“No, it’s not me, it’s my mama. I barely know her actually,”

“Well, you’re about to date her, it might your opportunity to know her more, right?”

“That’s right…”

“And, Hyuk?” Sungmin voice is serious all of a sudden.

Hyukjae shallows idly, “Yeah, hyung?”

“You can say yes by the way…” Sungmin says.

Hyukjae laughs without amusement. Sungmin always pushes, pushes, and pushes him to have a relationship that lasting longer than his student commuting card. To settle down, he said. Well, duh, it’s not that Hyukjae doesn’t want to settle down, “I know, hyung,”

“Good! Now get your girl, Tiger!” Sungmin chirps.

“Oh, God. Can you be lamer? ‘Tiger’? Seriously?” Hyukjae says teasingly.

“Oh, you shut up! You’re the one who getting the girl!”

“Yeah and what left for you is an annoying geek,”

“Fuck you,” Sungmin says without heat.

“I love you too~”

Hyukjae takes a deep breath and releases it slowly before steeling him self and gets out of his mama’s car.

Ime's Note: Whoa! Hyohyuk is in the way! Will he dates her? 8D

pairing: haehyuk, length: chaptered, genre: romance, genre: drama, title: love story that have no title, genre: fluff, rating: pg-13, genre: school!au

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