Last Carnival

Jun 11, 2011 08:03

100 Super Junior Fics Challenge
Participate as: ime_ime_ime
Finished Fics: [03/100]
Challenge fic no. 087. Belief, Sungmin/Eunhyuk

image source: photographyxox@tumblr
Last Carnival, Hyukjae/Sungmin, PG, Drabble
Genre: Romance, Fluff-Oh-God-Kill-Me-Please, Crap
Word Count: 932
Disclaimer: Hyukjae is belongs to him self. So is Sungmin. While this fic is belong to me.
Summary: Sungmin waiting for Hyukjae at the Carnival. It was the Last of the season but Hyukjae was nowhere to seen.
Ime’s Note: This is requested by nuee . Based on Norihiro Tsuru’s Last Carnival and L’Arc~en~Ciel’s Winter Fall, but not really a Song-fic… I just… you know… tried but the fic turn out crap. First Hyukmin so I hope you can be easy on me :3

Oh and this is NOT Sungmin Point of view but FIRST PERSON POINT OF VIEW with Sungmin as the first person. Are there any different? Yes there are.

I gazed up and stretch my hand out. A fallen snow. The first one. Falling gracefully down the sky. It’s cold in my hand. Shines fleetingly before melted and sank down in my wool mitten.

I wonder where you are.

A puff of frozen warm breath and cold cheeks. Bright sky above, were gradually getting paler.

Where are you?

The last turn of carousel, squeaking in the serene. The last laugh that have been forgotten.

I’ve been left alone all by my self. How could you not remember me, Hyukjae?

I closed my eyes for the memories of you, smiling your gummy to your own silliness. Picking a stray cat together and crying when it died.

I still remember the feel of your fingers on my skin. Tender, like your heart. Wipe the tears of my flushed cheeks, unconvincing console and a nervous laugh after. You never fail to make me smile.

I still remember how it’s like to have your lips on mine. To have it saying ‘I love you’ when I didn’t expected it. To have it smile when I tired of my day. To have it pout to win the arguments.

Did you remember about me?

I rocked back and forth, still waiting for you. Humming the song we used to sing together. Smile, still, of the memories of it. Smile to the memories of your horrible after-flu-voice sang the song. Smile to suppose to be romantic occasions that some how you always ruined. But I never complained.

That same cold night. I wonder if you remember. Waiting for a super moon together until we froze to the bone. You hold me tight in your embrace. Whispering sweet nothing even thought it didn’t make any different. I love your cheesy lines.

The sky turned orange and purple slowly. If you were here, we might share the scenery together, while you warming up my frozen finger tips, complementing each other in warm embrace. In beautiful silence.

I blew a warm breath on my finger tips which my cheap mitten couldn’t heat. Thinking of how it feels to have your homemade coffee in my hands. Shipping it while watching your expectant face, to know how I comment on your coffee.

I swirl on my toes, initiated a little walk. Stepping on the snowed white ground, skipping happily. Remember how we used to walk on the low wall on our way home from the school. How you chase me down and stumble on your feet. Bleeding but smiling widely, couldn’t be happier.

Under the violet velvet sky, city was shimmering with blinding hope. Inclining people to come and find their dreams. How we also join the faceless people in our innocent thought of finding happiness in the forest of concrete they called Seoul.

Did we find it yet?

I still remember all your cheesy lines you throw to me. I remember how I reddened at every of it even if I’m aware how cheesy it might be.

I even aware of the memories of your eyes that have dejected and hurted soul on it when you saw me with him. I wasn’t aware. I was a fool back then. I couldn’t imagine how it damage you.

As if the air froze and the snow drifts pieced my heart in deep slices. Watching you also shattered in pieces.

I was wander in my deepest of my heart. My vision clouded by your sad eyes. How I wish I’m not the one who caused it.

But then you’re there, extended your hand in front of me. Offering warm and tender smile that enfolded by the crystal falling snows.

I’m afraid to accept that hand, feared if I ever hurt you again. But you know I need you more than anything else, so you forced me to both of my feet and engulfed me in comfort embrace.

“Hyukjae, I’m sorry,” I whisper an apology.

You smiles still so tenderly, “Would you believe in me?” you asked back. Should I answer to that? Because the answer is so obvious than any other feeling I have for you.

I believe in you.

I stop in my skipping track. The sun gazed a last blaze of flooding orange light before it settle down in horizon, but still no sign of you.

I believe in you.

I watch as the sky fall to the deep dark shades blue fast. Just how the lamps around me was also lost it light one by one. Until only me and the dark sky towering above remain silent. But still no sign of you.

It was dark. As dark as when I was in deepest of my heart, waiting for you extended hand. Waiting for one light to life a hope.

I prayed to the dark sky and the falling snow for a hope to depend on.

When I opened my eyes, I was standing under a light pole. The only one that flickered alive, with you in front of me. You’re smiling ear to ear, harsh breath from the running you might take to get here and ask happily, “I’m I late?”

I smile at you gratefully. The last Carnival of the town was closed a second ago. The carousel was stood unmoved in the silent. The wooden horses were still lined in the circle under a deep shadow, waiting for the next season for the Carnival to begin again. The winter will ended soon to bring a new promising season. No falling snow to gazed at.

I close the distant between us, desperate for your warmness, and gummy smile, “You’ll never,”

Ime’s Note: Ohoho, that was total crap OTL blame it too Hyde-sama’s lyric that make me write poetically… but the result was kinda… =.= if you didn’t understand what the fic was all about then don’t be so stressed or what, coz I didn’t understand either!!!! Muahahahahaha! Nung, I’m sorry to disappoint you ;A;

Here is the Winter Fall translation (Megchan version), to at least give you a vision why it was hard to write based on this song.

for: nuee, title: last carnival, genre: romance, length: drabble, genre: fluff, pairing: hyukmin, rating: pg

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