i mean OTP is serious business and so this! the article was theory given by pro!
Before im talking non-sense, please, do compare by your self!
the original article:
Yuk, Cari Tahu Rahasia Dekapan Para Lelaki
BERPELUKAN kerap ddiidentikkan dengan perasaan seseorang. Tapi, tak semua wanita dapat mengartikan sebuah pelukan dari pria yang mencintainya.
Mau tahu bagaimana perasaannya saat si dia memeluk Anda? Berikut sejumlah makna dari pelukannya:
Jika pasangan menyelinap dari belakang dan menempatkan lengannya di sekeliling dada Anda, itu menandakan dirinya sedang jatuh cinta. Dia menyatukan diri dengan menyelimuti tubuh Anda dengan tubuhnya, menautkan kaki, dan membiarkan Anda bersandar di tubuhnya.
''Dengan menyelimuti punggung Anda, dia menyampaikan bahwa ia ingin menampung Anda. Dia juga memperlihatkan maskulinitasnya, yang menampilkan kekuatan dan dominasi,'' ujar pakar bahasa tubuh Patti Wood, penulis Success Signals.
Tapi, ada satu pengecualian jika seorang lelaki hampir selalu memeluk Anda dari belakang. ''Itu mungkin berarti dia sangat membutuhkan koneksi dekat, tapi merasa tidak demikian halnya dengan Anda. Dia menghindari pelukan berhadap-hadapan karena khawatir Anda tidak benar-benar mencintainya,'' kata Christopher Blazina, Ph.D, penulis The Secret Lives of Men.
Pasangan yang menggosok lembut punggung Anda ketika memberikan pelukan, menandakan dirinya sangat peduli. ''Punggung adalah bagian tubuh yang sangat rentan. Anda tidak dapat melihat punggung Anda, jadi sentuhan di daerah itu bisa mengejutkan,'' ujar Wood.
Gosokan lembut di zona terbuka itu menunjukkan bahwa dia ingin merawat dan melindungi Anda. Tapi, jangan heran jika belaian lembut itu segera berubah menjadi sensual. ''Sebab, gosokan memiliki irama seksual, jenis sentuhan yang dapat membangkitkan gairahnya,'' tegas Blazina.
Ada pula kemungkinan bahwa dirinya sedang sedih dan membutuhkan kenyamanan, meski pun dia sendiri enggan mengakuinya. ''Seorang lelaki bisa menggosok punggung Anda karena, tanpa sadar, itulah yang diinginkannya,'' kata Janine Driver, presiden Body Language Institute.
Tepukan di punggung atas Anda selama pelukan bisa berarti negatif. Skenario terburuknya, dia tidak benar-benar mencintai Anda. ''Ini adalah cara laki-laki memeluk teman laki-laki mereka. Ketika seorang lelaki sering memelukmu seperti ini, berarti hubungan tersebut tidak tumbuh,'' ujar Blazina.
Misalnya, jika seorang lelaki memberikan pelukan seperti ini saat Anda berdua sedang berada di luar, dia mungkin melakukannya untuk menunjukkan bahwa dirinya tidak sepenuhnya berkomitmen terhadap Anda dan masih membuka diri untuk peluang. Jika dia melakukannya ketika Anda hanya berduaan, hal ini mungkin menandakan tidak adanya lagi percikan atau dia sedang marah kepada Anda.
Namun, menurut Blazina, jenis pelukan ini hanya terjadi sesekali, dan bukan berarti keadaan darurat bagi hubungan Anda. Ada sejumlah alasan yang berada di baliknya. Pertama, jika dia memberikan tepukan itu saat Anda akan melakukan sesuatu yang mendebarkan, itu adalah tanda dorongan.
Jika dia melakukannya di depan umum, bisa jadi itu berarti dia tidak ingin bermesraan di muka publik. Sedangkan jika dia melakukannya saat sedang sibuk menonton televisi atau berkutat dengan ponselnya, tak perlu memasukkannya di dalam hati. Sebab, pikirannya sedang mengembara sementara.
Beradu pinggul
Jika pasangan melingkarkan tangannya di pinggul bawah Anda dan menarik Anda erat ke arahnya, itu berarti dia menginginkan Anda. ''Pelukan dari pinggul ke pinggul menunjukkan dirinya ingin menyatu dengan Anda secara seksual,'' tukas Wood. Semakin jauh tangannya berkelana, semakin bergairah dirinya.
Hal penting lain yang patut dicatat, jika pasangan menyentuhkan kepalanya ke kepala Anda, itu berarti dia juga ingin menyatukan pikiran Anda berdua.
Nah tak perlu bingung lagi, kan? (MI/RRN)
Let's Find Out The Secrets of Men Embrace
Cuddle often identified with one's feelings. But, not all women can interpret a hug from a man who loved her.
Want to know how he felt when the he hugged you? Here are some meaning of his hugs:
If he sneaked from behind and put his arms around your chest, it signifies he is in love. He unites himself with covering your body with his body, linking legs, and let you lean on his body.
"By covering your back, he said that he wanted to accommodate you. He also showed masculinity, which displays the power and domination,'' said the body language expert Patti Wood, author of Success Signals.
But, there is an exception if a man is almost always hugging you from behind. ''That probably means he's in desperate need of close connections, but it was not the case with you. He avoided hugs, face to face for fear that you do not really love him,'' said Christopher Blazina, Ph.D., author of The Secret Lives of Men.
Couples who gently rub your back while giving hugs, indicating he was very concerned. "The Back is part of the body that extremely vulnerable. You can not see your back, so touching in that area can be shocking,'' said Wood.
Rubbing it gently in the open zone indicated that he wanted to care for and protect you. But, do not be surprised if the soft caress it soon turned into a sensual. ''Because, rubbed having sexual rhythm, the kind of touch that can generate excitement,'' stated Blazina.
There is also a possibility that he was sad and need comfort, even though he himself was reluctant to admit it. ''A man can rub your back because, unconsciously, that's what he wants,'' said Janine Driver, president of Body Language Institute.
Pat on the back of your arms as long as it could mean a negative. Worst-case scenario, he does not really love you. ''This is the way men hug their male friends. When a man often hold you like this, it means the relationship is not growing,''said Blazina.
For example, if a man gives hugs like this when you two were outside, he probably did it to show that he was not fully committed to you and still open for opportunities. If he did when you were alone, this may indicate the absence of more spark or he is angry with you.
However, according to Blazina, embrace this type occurs only occasionally, and it does not mean a state of emergency for your relationship. There are a number of reasons behind it. First, if he gave it a pat when you will do something exciting, it is a sign of encouragement.
If he did it in public, it could be that mean he does not want making out in public. Whereas if he did when he was busy watching television or struggling with a cell phone, no need to take it in the heart. For, while his mind was wandering.
Hips collide
If a couple put down your hands on your hips and pull you close to him, it means he wants you. "Hugs from hip to hip showed he wanted to merge with you sexually,'' said Wood. The further his hands wander, the more excited he was.
Another important point worth noting, if the pair touched his head into your head, that means he also wants to unite both of you mind.
Well do not be confused anymore, right? (MI / RRN)
direck link:
heretranslated by Google Translate (too lazy to do it my self)
now let's check out the video:
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now you guys finished watching the video, i'll point out a few point:
- Eunhyuk was patting Leeteuk back while when he's with hae, he was rubbing Hae's back!
"This is the way men hug their male friends. When a man often hold you like this, it means the relationship is not growing," said Blazina.
Couples who gently rub your back while giving hugs, indicating he was very concerned. ... Rubbing it gently in the open zone indicated that he wanted to care for and protect you.
there're lots of other points that i didn't pointed it out, and FYI MetroTV is one of Indonesian biggest TV channels. Recently they took a survey that showed most of Indonesian believe on MetroTV's credibility.
This is open discussion, please do leave your thought here!!