Petting a boy - Prologue

Mar 25, 2010 13:34

Title: Petting a boy [Prologue]
Pairing: EunHae
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,431
Warning: Not real age different, grammar mistake and maybe boring

It has been a year. A year ago I go out of Seoul with my friend to do some business, an illegal one. After go around a few small town, we come to a stop in one common town to spend the big win we just achieves. Of course we spent it in the very normal way. My friend help him self to some random bitch. But I didn’t do just with a random bitch and I didn’t sure why but I kind of not in the mood. So, I’m just wandering by my self, in hope to find some beautiful innocent dumb girl for one night stand. At least they’re free, I thought. I got bored already, when I passed an alley, yawning. I come to a halt, and then walked backward slowly.

I can’t believe what I saw that night. There’s a bunch of brat, bullying some poor kid. And what that unbelievable is the kid they bullied is a girl. A nerd girl in her uniform laying in the ground as the idiot brat around her beating her continuously. They seem like junior high student. While they step the girl body, they didn’t forgot to curse her too, but I didn’t manage to catch what they said.

“Yah, brat! What the hell are you doing? Are you insane?” I step forward in reactions. Because even if I commit some fraud I still have humanity or what ever and I can’t stand to see a girl like that. The boys step back in shock, and then run away immediately.

The girl is moaning in pain. I look at her. She’s still in the ground, holding her stomach that has been kicked a few times. I help her stand.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Mm, thank you very much, sir,” she mumble as look up at me with hurt expression.

I realize that her glasses broken. Her short hair in a mess and there’re some bruises in her smooth white cheek. Then she takes off her broken glasses.

God damn! The nerd girl without glasses is beautiful. As she manages her brunette hair, she blink her brown beady eyes that twinkling like stars. She escapes a nice smile with her pretty lips. And I look down to see her slim delicious tight under her skirt. And I keep look at her from top to toe. God, she is beautiful. With porcelain white skin and sexy neck, he is insanely beautiful. I can’t take my eyes from him. He gulped and his Adam apple moved up and down. But then he smiles nervously, began to worry. Wait! WHAT? Did I just say ‘he’?

I got slap in my face, literally. I slap my self to back to reality, and once again observing him. Is he a cross dresser? Is he a transgender in a make? But then he just junior high student. But then he is so beautiful. Wait Hyukjae! Just stop calling him beauty!

“Go back home,” I manage to says something, and the hurried to got off from there.

“Thank you, sir,” I hear him shout at my back. But I didn’t care anymore. I will just go back to my friend and help my self with sexy expensive bitch.

I was surprised to find that cross dresser brat standing in front of the love motel I’ve been spend night in. But he is in his uniform; I meant the boy version of the uniform he was wearing last night.

“What are you doing here?” I look at my watch and it’s definitely not a time when junior highs can freely wandering around outside of the school. But I suddenly got a chill, “You couldn’t be…waiting for me?”

But he smiles a very pretty smile. Damn gorgeous. Aish, Hyukjae! Stop thinking that way!

“I just want to thank you again,” he said, still with that smile.

“You don’t need to. Just go back to school!”

“But I don’t want to go back to school,” he pouting cutely. I frown at him. “The hyungs keep bullying me.”

“Who? The brat from last night?” I asked and he nodded.

“They forced me to wear the girl uniform and walk in the town just to mocking me and beating me in the end,” he still put his smile on.

“Oh, so you are not a cross dresser?”

He is blushing, he’s white cheek turn pink quickly. He shakes his head.

“Well, that’s... eh, good for you,” I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about. I just can’t take my eyes off of him. “Well, good bye,” I turn from him and begin to walk.

“Lee Donghae,” he shouted.

“What?” I turn back to look at him.

“My name is Lee Donghae,” he wave excitedly at me.

“Well, then good bye Lee Donghae,” It’s not like I will meet you again, I thought. Then leaves him behind.

Dear God, I know I didn’t pray to you since long time. Didn’t do want you want me to do and do want you don’t want me to do. I know when I dead I deserve your hell. Or I will beg you later about that. But I don’t understand why you send me some freaks to freaks out my already horrible life!

I drop both my keys and my cell phone unconsciously as I see him standing in front of my apartment when I just turn after locked the door.

“What the hell are you doing here!” I shout at him. But he smiles brightly at me as if he expected my reactions. It just barely tree month after I came back from Mokpo.

“Hello? Hyukjae? Are you there man?” there’s voices come out from my cell phone in the ground. I completely forgot that I was in the line with my friend. And I still forgot when I continue to shout.

“Don’t just smile there and explain god damnit!”

“I just visiting Seoul,” he said innocently, but didn’t answer the real problem.

“Yeah right! And you just standing in front of my door!”

“I decided to give you a visit,” he still keeps his beautiful smiles on his lips. And I still manage to realize his beautifulness despite my rage. Aish, Hyukjae! Just snap it already!

“Are…what…how…” I can’t form a sentence.

“You want to know how I can find your address, aren’t you?” His smiles gotten bigger when I didn’t answer the question.

“Hyukjae? Yah! What the fuck are you doing?” my friend still calling me to the line. As my brain work hard, I pick my cell phone.

“Get lost!” I said to Lee Donghae brat then placed the phone on my ears as I turn and start walking away. That kind of brat, you just need to ignore them, and they will go away. But apparently, it’s not that easy. When I came back home late at night, I stunned in my spot to find that brat sitting in front of my front door. He was half asleep. But I can’t get in if he didn’t move. When he realize my present, he abruptly get up, knocking his briefcase, and smile the same beautiful smile again. Huh…I will just give up and just admit he is beautiful. But nothing else. What does he want from me?

I will just ignore him and he will get tired of me. So, I walked pass him, unlocked my door and bang it closed in front of his face. Then I take a shower, and eat left over dinner, and watch TV. But I can’t help to stare at my front door over and over again so, being a kind person I was, I get off and peek from the front door. And like what I thought, he is still there, sleeping while holding up his knees.

It’s near winter, so night can chill your bone. And I don’t mean enough to let him freeze in front of my door.

“Hey, you,” I shake his body.

“Huh?” he rubs his eyes with both of his hand and pout cutely. “Hmm…”

“Why are you sleeping here? Didn’t you have somewhere to stay?”

He look at me with a puppy eyes then shrug his head.

I sighed. “Alright then, you can stay at my apartment,” I saw his expression change at my word, I quickly added, “This night only, okay?”

“Hm,” he nodded happily, “Okay!”

But he lies. Or rather, I just didn’t manage to kicked him off yet. Until the present day that about 9 nearly 10 months later, he still stay at my apartment.


Do you think i need to continue this? =3

pairing: haehyuk, length: chaptered, title: petting a boy, genre: romance, pairing: hyukhae, rating: g, genre: drama, genre: mafia!au

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