(no subject)

Mar 28, 2005 10:45

hmm I randomly have the St. Elmo's Fire Theme Song rattling around in my head...AND MY TIME IS NOW, I'M COMING ALIIIVEEEEE. wayyy random.

So i went out to Arizona last week, which was way fun, my view of Phoenix has definitely changed in the past year, I like some parts and don't like others. I think it's cause I think it has so much more potential than San Diego, and most of it is unrealized. There's lots of good stuff about it, I think Mesa is just a pit though for the most part, the northern side is nice. The thing that bugs me about it though is that it seems like if you go just a minute away from where you are in the middle of a city, you're in the middle of nowhere. Civilization just ends. Like off the 202, there's nothing there. Or in Chandler, you pass the mall, you're in the desert. It kinda sucks, but I think i'm spoiled by the hugeness of Southern California. At certain points though, Phoenix seems like a place I could live...then I remember that it's 105 degrees six months out of the year. It'll certainly be an experience to be going to school there, the campus, I actually don't like for the most part, but I like Memorial Union, and they're building some new stuff that looks good, and the area outside of it on Mill is pretty cool so I'm excited about that. And if I ever need to escape the heat, Flagstaff is just an hour and a half away.

I saw Brooke too! That was fun. It sucked I only got to see her once, family commitments and all, but we'll be out there soon at least once more before I move out there.

I'm kinda wrapping up things with most of my friends. Not really making an effort to see anyone, or wanting to see anyone most of the time. Stuff is happening that is really making me want to leave, but obviously that's not coming yet...There are a few people that I enjoy seeing, like Tara, and the mill-stedt posse, and the masons and stuff, because I know that those people will be consistently fun to be around, with none of this extracurricular crap that some other people come with. ah well.

I got up early because I thought I had to go to the dentist and my mom tells me they cancelled my appointment so I'm pretty ticked off at the moment. I WANT TO SLEEPPPPPPPP!!! hmm...i think i will...
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